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Strange Days Indeed
Jeremiah 3
Chip Lusko

Jeremiah 3 (NKJV™)
1 "They say, 'If a man divorces his wife, And she goes from him And becomes another man's, May he return to her again?' Would not that land be greatly polluted? But you have played the harlot with many lovers; Yet return to Me," says the LORD.
2 "Lift up your eyes to the desolate heights and see: Where have you not lain with men? By the road you have sat for them Like an Arabian in the wilderness; And you have polluted the land With your harlotries and your wickedness.
3 Therefore the showers have been withheld, And there has been no latter rain. You have had a harlot's forehead; You refuse to be ashamed.
4 Will you not from this time cry to Me, 'My father, You are the guide of my youth?
5 Will He remain angry forever? Will He keep it to the end?' Behold, you have spoken and done evil things, As you were able."
6 The LORD said also to me in the days of Josiah the king: "Have you seen what backsliding Israel has done? She has gone up on every high mountain and under every green tree, and there played the harlot.
7 "And I said, after she had done all these things, 'Return to Me.' But she did not return. And her treacherous sister Judah saw it.
8 "Then I saw that for all the causes for which backsliding Israel had committed adultery, I had put her away and given her a certificate of divorce; yet her treacherous sister Judah did not fear, but went and played the harlot also.
9 "So it came to pass, through her casual harlotry, that she defiled the land and committed adultery with stones and trees.
10 "And yet for all this her treacherous sister Judah has not turned to Me with her whole heart, but in pretense," says the LORD.
11 Then the LORD said to me, "Backsliding Israel has shown herself more righteous than treacherous Judah.
12 "Go and proclaim these words toward the north, and say: 'Return, backsliding Israel,' says the LORD; 'I will not cause My anger to fall on you. For I am merciful,' says the LORD; 'I will not remain angry forever.
13 Only acknowledge your iniquity, That you have transgressed against the LORD your God, And have scattered your charms To alien deities under every green tree, And you have not obeyed My voice,' says the LORD.
14 "Return, O backsliding children," says the LORD; "for I am married to you. I will take you, one from a city and two from a family, and I will bring you to Zion.
15 "And I will give you shepherds according to My heart, who will feed you with knowledge and understanding.
16 "Then it shall come to pass, when you are multiplied and increased in the land in those days," says the LORD, "that they will say no more, 'The ark of the covenant of the LORD.' It shall not come to mind, nor shall they remember it, nor shall they visit it, nor shall it be made anymore.
17 "At that time Jerusalem shall be called The Throne of the LORD, and all the nations shall be gathered to it, to the name of the LORD, to Jerusalem. No more shall they follow the dictates of their evil hearts.
18 "In those days the house of Judah shall walk with the house of Israel, and they shall come together out of the land of the north to the land that I have given as an inheritance to your fathers.
19 "But I said: 'How can I put you among the children And give you a pleasant land, A beautiful heritage of the hosts of nations?' "And I said: 'You shall call Me, "My Father," And not turn away from Me.'
20 Surely, as a wife treacherously departs from her husband, So have you dealt treacherously with Me, O house of Israel," says the LORD.
21 A voice was heard on the desolate heights, Weeping and supplications of the children of Israel. For they have perverted their way; They have forgotten the LORD their God.
22 "Return, you backsliding children, And I will heal your backslidings." "Indeed we do come to You, For You are the LORD our God.
23 Truly, in vain is salvation hoped for from the hills, And from the multitude of mountains; Truly, in the LORD our God Is the salvation of Israel.
24 For shame has devoured The labor of our fathers from our youth--Their flocks and their herds, Their sons and their daughters.
25 We lie down in our shame, And our reproach covers us. For we have sinned against the LORD our God, We and our fathers, From our youth even to this day, And have not obeyed the voice of the LORD our God."

New King James Version®, Copyright © 1982, Thomas Nelson, Inc. All rights reserved.

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Beyond the Summer of Love

The church's view of divorce and re-marriage often reaches extremes and it's a topic that makes many believers uncomfortable. However, the Lord knows our need for both gracious healing and clear instruction. The Bible is clear in both its provision and prohibition regarding this topic, and this message brings a balanced perspective that will elevate your view of the marriage relationship.

The 1960s promised us an explosion of love and brotherhood, but instead they delivered a nation in turmoil, confusion, and moral decline. In this series, Skip Heitzig and the Calvary pastors tell us about God's solution for damaged families, His guide for successful marriage, and how to restore a relationship that has been damaged by sin. This series will take you beyond the easy, simplistic slogans of man, and back toward the plan of our loving heavenly Father.

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Now What? Love Beyond a Summer
Ecclesiastes 4:9-12; Jeremiah 8:20
Skip Heitzig
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What motivates us to work through the challenges of relationships? How can a marriage survive "Beyond the Summer of Love?" A proper spiritual foundation is vital to enjoying a successful dating relationship, marriage and family life. Having a healthy relationship with God is the basis for healthy relationships with one another.
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Divorce - God Hates It!
Matthew 19:1-9; Malachi 2:14-17
Dr. Nelson Walker
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Divorce is common occurrence in the United States, bringing pain into the lives of children and adults alike. Since God hates divorce, how should the church respond to the problem? Is there ever cause for a Christian to get divorced? This message will examine the difficulties caused by divorce, review the biblical allowances for divorce, and offer hope for those whose lives have been affected by it.
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Kind of a Drag: Being Unequally Yoked in Marriage
2 Corinthians 6:14-7:1
Neil Ortiz
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Those in unequally yoked marriage often find themselves in a difficult situation. A marriage between a Christian and someone who does not yet know the Lord can bring anguish, discomfort and frustration. Is "missionary dating" okay? Why are these marriages prohibited by scripture? Is there hope for believers who feel trapped in unequally yoked marriages? These are issues addressed in this message, where we'll learn that unequally yoked marriages are "Kind of a Drag."
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Marriage is so dramatic!
Ephesians 5:22-33
Kevin Miller
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Though many couples struggle to survive, marriage doesn't have to be a soap opera. Surely there can be plenty of drama when two sinners attempt to love one another for a lifetime, but drama is not all bad. In the great stage of life, it's important that each person knows the role they are to play. Scripture clearly instructs us about how we are to play our parts so that the world can take a look at our marriages and grasp the relationship between Christ and the church.
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When a Man Loves a Woman
Genesis 2:4-25
Dave Row
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As the lyrics say, "When a man loves a woman, can't keep his mind on nothing else…she can do no wrong." But not long after the honeymoon, reality sets in. Marriage can be one of the most difficult human relationships, and applying the biblical principles of leaving, cleaving and weaving are vital to a healthy union.
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The A,B,C's of Dating
Song_of_Solomon 1:9-2:4
Nate Heitzig
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When a kindergartner heads off to school it is ideal that they have some basics down before entering the classroom. It is simply easier on everyone if the student can write their name, knows their ABCs, and can count to twenty. While a dating relationship is never simple, we can learn how to make it easier by applying basic biblical principles.
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Single For Life?
Matthew 19:11-12;1 Corinthians 7:17-24
Brian Nixon
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The 1960's were one of the most epic of generations in Modern Times: Summer of Love, Man on the Moon, Vietnam, Music, Art, Politics. Yet what many people forget is that the 1960's were the flowering or the T.V game show. The Price is Right, I've Got a Secret (Steve Allen), Truth or Consequences (Bob Barker), Concentration (Hugh Downs), and of course, The Dating Game and The Match Game. The basic gist of most of these programs consisted of answering a question or making a guess at a question. Then usually at the end someone gets to go for the big prize, the "Million Dollar" question, if you will. We are going to play our own version of Match Game. I will show a picture of a famous person from history, you will shout out their name, and if you are really good, tell me what they did. And like most of the games, there will be the final, "Million Dollar" question at the end.
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Relationships: The Antidote to Loneliness
Ecclesiastes 4:7-12
Skip Heitzig
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