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This Old House
1 Peter 2:4-10
Skip Heitzig

1 Peter 2 (NKJV™)
4 Coming to Him as to a living stone, rejected indeed by men, but chosen by God and precious,
5 you also, as living stones, are being built up a spiritual house, a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.
6 Therefore it is also contained in the Scripture, "Behold, I lay in Zion A chief cornerstone, elect, precious, And he who believes on Him will by no means be put to shame."
7 Therefore, to you who believe, He is precious; but to those who are disobedient, "The stone which the builders rejected Has become the chief cornerstone,"
8 and "A stone of stumbling And a rock of offense." They stumble, being disobedient to the word, to which they also were appointed.
9 But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light;
10 who once were not a people but are now the people of God, who had not obtained mercy but now have obtained mercy.

New King James Version®, Copyright © 1982, Thomas Nelson, Inc. All rights reserved.

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60 1 & 2 Peter - Rock Solid - 2013

God has been building His "house" since He first made the world. This is not a physical home nor a temple of worship as much as an assembly of peoples whom He has gathered to Himself. The stones He chooses are human beings in relationship to Christ, the cornerstone foundation. Let's consider God's site-plan for this construction project today.

When Jesus asked his disciples. "Who do men say that I, the Son of Man, am?" Peter responded "You are the Christ, the Son of the living God." Jesus promised Peter that upon the Rock of that confession He would build His church.

The truth of who Jesus is empowers common man to speak the message that opens the doors of heaven to sinners. Join us to learn strong principles for godly living and reach new heights in our faith as we work our way through Peter's epistles—writings which evangelize the lost and instruct the church. Pastor Skip Heitzig guides us through First and Second Peter in the series Rock Solid.

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  1. The Basis: Christ (v. 4)

  2. The Building: Us (v. 5)

  3. The Blueprints: Scripture (vv. 6-8a)

  4. The Builders: Two Contenders

    1. The Wannabe Builders Refused Him (vv. 4, 7, 8)

    2. The Real Builder Approved Him (vv. 4, 6, 7)


  1. Who is our chief cornerstone?

  2. Explain what happens to those who believe on Him (see v. 6).

  3. According to Hebrews 13:15, what is one spiritual sacrifice you can offer to the Lord?

  4. What other things can you offer?

  5. What can cause us to stumble (see v. 8)?

  6. What are we to do as God's "own special people" (see v. 9)? How can you apply that in your life practically?

  7. What did God reveal to you in this passage?

  8. Is there anything that applies directly to you or to someone you know? How can you take aim at changing a negative behavior in a biblical way?

  9. Who was this passage originally directed to?

  10. How does this passage apply to believers?

Detailed Notes

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  1. Introduction
    1. Newlywed son-in-law, "use two coats"
    2. This old house—the church of Jesus Christ
      1. God is always interested
      2. Always building
      3. Still not finished
      4. Adding stone by stone as the years go on
    3. Skip's dad was a builder—he loved building projects
    4. In Israel, everything is made of stone, not two-by-fours
    5. "Living Stone" is an oxymoron
      1. Pet rocks
      2. The rock Peter spoke of had all the strength and solidarity of a rock, but it's alive
      3. Jesus is alive and lives forevermore (see Rev. 1:18)
      4. Paul spoke of the rock that followed the Israelites around in the wilderness and quenched their thirst (see 1 Cor. 10)
    6. Peter also spoke of a "living hope" and the "living Word of God"
    7. Peter had in his mind the temple in Jerusalem
  2. The Basis: Christ
    1. What kind of living stone is He?
      1. The cornerstone: the most important part of the building
      2. The largest and heaviest stone set at the foundation
      3. It was a massive stone
      4. It provided foundation, symmetry, measurement for the rest of the structure
    2. Jesus Christ should be the foundation for your faith; not just a fine example, or a tradition of people
    3. He is the chief cornerstone
    4. It all begins for us when we come to Him; It's what He tells us to do (see Matt. 11:28)
  3. The Building: Us
    1. When you come, you become
      1. The word Christian means little Christ
      2. You are not a dead, inanimate rock any more
      3. You share His life and strength
      4. You are a living stone
    2. King of Sparta in Ancient Greece used to brag about the mighty walls of Sparta; Jesus will point to you and I and brag about the stones of the building
    3. Simply stated: it means we share His life and His strength
    4. Christianity is the only religion where the life of the One we worship becomes our life (see Col. 3:4; 2 Peter 1:3-4)
    5. Jesus is all about building people up
      1. He's not all about property and temples (see Acts 7:48; 17:24)
      2. Peter is speaking of a spiritual house
      3. An interesting house: the Winchester Mystery House—a house that was never finished
      4. This spiritual house that God is building is not done yet
      5. Every person who comes to Christ—another stone is added
      6. Peter is speaking of a spiritual house
    6. We are a holy priesthood; we don't go to the temple; we are the temple; we have access like a priest
      1. We have a responsibility to be holy
      2. Spiritual sacrifice: your body (see Rom. 12:1)
        1. Your hands, feet, and mouth belong to God; give them to Him for His purpose
        2. A sacrifice of praise (see Heb. 13:15)
        3. Good works: sharing with people is a sacrifice (see Heb. 13:16)
        4. Another sacrifice is when we give financially to God's kingdom, His work (see Phil. 4:18)
    7. Building people up is a wonderful but messy endeavor
      1. We don't always agree
      2. We don't always get along on every theological issue
      3. You are going to be in heaven with people you disagree with
      4. Every family has people who are different
      5. There were arguments even among the apostles
      6. God puts us all together and builds us up
  4. The Blueprints: Scripture
    1. The building is built on what God said in the Old Testament
    2. Through the building commission of heaven
    3. Through the architect: God
    4. Into the hands of the Old Testament prophets
  5. Two Builders
    1. Wannabe builders
      1. The Jewish Sanhedrin—the caretakers
      2. Self-imposed builders of God's work on earth
      3. They looked at Jesus through the measuring implements of their religion, and they rejected Him
      4. People still reject Him today
      5. Why should we care what the world thinks of us? They don't get Jesus, the most important One God sent. Their opinion holds no value
    2. The real builder: God
      1. God has a measuring line
      2. God examined Jesus according to the measurements of His own perfection
      3. God approved the cornerstone (see Matt. 3:17; 17:5; Luke 3:22; 2 Peter 1:17)
      4. Two men went to the Louvre in Paris and looked at a classic work of art
      5. The leaders and the people rejected Jesus—they got rid of Him (see Acts 4:8-12)

Figures Referenced: King of Sparta

Cross references: Matthew 3:17; 11:28; 17:5; Luke 3:22; John 14:2; Acts 4:8-12; 7:48; 17:24; Romans 12:1; 1 Corinthians 10; Philippians 4:18; Colossians 3:4; Hebrews 13:15-16; 2 Peter 1:3-4; 1:17; Revelation 1:18


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Pastor Skip Heitzig guides us through First and Second Peter in the series Rock Solid.

Would you turn in your Bibles this morning to First Peter, chapter 2, and we begin by talking to our Father in heaven.

Lord, the thought that comes to my mind immediately when I see snow is that "though your sins be as scarlet, they will be like snow." Snow covers things, makes them pure. But also what the prophet Isaiah declared; that is, the rain comes from heaven and the snow, and does not return there. But give seed to the sower and bread to the eater, so is the Word of God. And that you will accomplish your purpose as the seed of the Word goes out like snow that comes from heaven and is good for the soil. We pray that your Word would penetrate the soil of these lives and bring forth fruit in days to come. We ask for your Spirit, Lord, to be our teacher, in Jesus' name, amen.

So there was this newlywed son-in-law who wanted to prove to his father-in-law, who was a building contractor, that he was not a klutz. And the way he was going to prove it is this newlywed and his wife bought an old house, they were going to renovate it. He was going to do all the work himself. He would begin by painting two rooms in the house. He began Friday night and worked all day Saturday into Sunday morning. When his father-in-law came for dinner Sunday evening, he found his son-in-law collapsed on the floor in a pool of sweat, wearing a ski jacket and an overcoat.

And the father-in-law said, "Are you okay?" The son-in-law looked up and he said, "I was trying to show you that I was competent by painting two rooms, painting my house." And the father-in-law said, "Okay. So, why are you dressed that way?" And the son-in-law looked backed up at his father-in-law and he said, "Because the instructions on the can said, 'For best results use two coats.' " [laughter] So, do you think he impressed his father-in-law very much? Probably not.

What he should have done is looked at that series that began in 1979 and continues to thrive, called This Old House. It's a home improvement program. They take and they renovate homes. It's in season thirty-three now, and it gives ways to improve your old house. I want to talk to you today about this old house—the church of Jesus Christ that's two thousand years old. It's the building project by which God is always interested, always building, still not finished, adding stone by stone as the years go on.

My dad was a builder. He loved is to take a piece of land, get blueprints for it, lay a foundation, build apartments or homes, sell them, and start again. It's what he loved to do. He loved projects. My heavenly Dad also likes building projects, and you and I happen to be it. So, in First Peter 2:4, Peter writes, "Coming to him as to a living stone, rejected indeed by men, but chosen by God and precious, you also, as living stones are being built up a spiritual house, a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.

"Therefore it is also contained in the Scripture, 'Behold, I lay in Zion a chief cornerstone, elect, precious, and he who believes on him will by no means be put to shame.' Therefore, to you who believe, he is precious; but to those who are disobedient, 'The stone which the builders rejected has become the chief cornerstone,' and 'a stone of stumbling and a rock of offense.'

"They stumble, being disobedient to the word, to which they were also appointed. But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, his own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of him, who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light; who once were not a people but now are the people of God, who had not obtained mercy but now have obtained mercy."

You recall that our Lord Jesus spoke about heaven as being his Father's house. Remember he said, "In my Father's house there are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I am going to prepare a place for you"? He was speaking of a literal place called heaven to which one day you and I will all go to enjoy. But until then, Peter would tell us of the intermediate reality of God's building program here on the earth, building up his church.

So, since he uses this analogy, we want to look as this building, as we believe Peter does, in four parts: the basis or the foundation, which is Christ; the building, which is us; the blueprints; and then, finally, the builders of this. We begin with the basis, the foundation. Verse 4; look at it again, this time a little slower. "Coming to him as to a living stone." Now immediately we understand that Peter is drawing an analogy of a construction zone, of a building, but not a building like you and I know it, but a stone structure.

It sort of surprises people whenever I take them on tours to Israel, when I take them over there, you can't find two-by-four wood construction anywhere. Everything is made out of stone, stone block, or hewn stone. And that's because stone is the most abundant natural resource in that land. They don't have a lot of wood to use, they have lots of stone, it's everywhere, and so the buildings, especially the building of the temple which Peter has in mind, was the material used for the building.

But look at what it says. He calls it a "living stone." "Coming to him," personal pronoun, "as to a living stone." Now, if ever there was a paradox, it's the term "living stone." It's an oxymoron. Living stone? We talk about something being as dead as stone, stone dead, inanimate, but he speaks of this stone as "living stone." It's a contradiction in terms, sort of like "government organization." [laughter] Couldn't resist. "Airplane food," "short pants," those are oxymorons. Those are contradictory terms.

Years ago, and I'm gonna date myself by this, there was a fad going around in America called pet rocks, and I had one. It was on my desk. It was this little pet rock, it was in a little wired cage, and it was advertised at the best pet because you don't have to feed it, you don't have to clean up after it, you don't have to groom it. They just paint a little smile on it, and they put it in the little cage, and it's your pet rock. But it was still a rock. It had no life in it whatsoever.

But what Peter is talking about is a living stone having all the strength and solidarity of a stone, of rock, but it's alive. Why is it alive? Because the rock is Jesus Christ and he died and was raised from the dead. And in Revelation 1, the Lord Jesus said, "I am he who was dead and am alive forevermore." So Peter, knowing that, calls Jesus the living stone. You're probably also familiar that Paul uses this term, sort of, but in a different way, speaking of Jesus. First Corinthians he said that rock that was in the wilderness that followed them around and quenched their thirst, that rock was Christ.

Also, something else that's just sort of interesting to note about Peter's writing. When Peter wanted to talk about the kind of hope that we have back in chapter 1, verse 3, he called our hope—what kind of hope?—"a living hope." When he wanted to speak about the Word of God back in chapter 1, he called it the "living Word of God." And now he speaks you a "living stone." Now, keep in mind that Peter had in his mind the temple in Jerusalem, I believe, the temple in Jerusalem with its priesthood and its massive structures.

In fact, Peter was among the group of apostles that one day when they left the temple precincts, was just sort of blown away by the enormity of the stone structure. They get out of the temple, and the apostles say to Jesus, "Master, behold the stones and these massive structures." That's when Jesus said, "Not one stone will be left upon another, all will be thrown down." So that's what he has in mind is this temple; "Coming to him as to a living stone." But he further describes Jesus Christ in verse 6 and in verse 7 as the "cornerstone."

What kind of living stone is he? Well, he's the cornerstone. And if you know anything about ancient buildings, the cornerstone was the most important part of the entire structure. The cornerstone set the angles for the rest of the building. Let me explain: the cornerstone was at the foundation, at the base. Cornerstones were typically the largest and heaviest stones because they did form the footing for the building. So they didn't lay cement slabs, they actually cut out hewn massive stones.

And if I could take you to Jerusalem, I could actually point out to you still in existence the cornerstone from the temple complex at the southeast corner of Jerusalem. They have the cornerstone which—get this—measures thirty-nine feet four inches long, seven feet ten inches wide, and forty-three inches tall. They say that one stone weighs eighty tons, eighty tons, eight-zero. And that's not even the biggest stone.

If you went down a little bit further on what's called the "master course" of stones, they have a stone they could show you that's forty-one feet long, it is fifteen feet wide, and eleven and a half feet tall, weighing upwards of six hundred tons. Massive! So the cornerstone was that foundation stone laid at the corner that not only provided foundation, but provided symmetry, measurement for the rest of the structure.

It is the cornerstone that maintained the symmetry for the rest of the building and set the direction for all sides. If the angle of the cornerstone, any of the sides were off, the building would be off. The building could kind of go in one direction if it wasn't lined up right and skew off. And the stones, because they wouldn't be laid right, the cornerstone wasn't cut just perfectly, that building could collapse outward or inward. So, think of the cornerstone as the reference point for the whole building.

I read this week about an artist. He's a landscape artist. He paints landscapes with oils. And he said that by his easel or on his easel he always keeps three stones for reference—an emerald, a sapphire, and a ruby—simply to bring him back to what true blue, true green, true red is. He said when you're involved in painting oil landscapes like he does, after a while you start losing color perception, and you need to go back in reference to the standard. Well, that's what the cornerstone was like. It provided an orientation. It unified the structure. It brought foundation for the entire building.

So, Peter describes Jesus Christ as the living cornerstone, the foundation on which everything is laid. And I hope Jesus Christ is the foundation of your faith. I hope that you are not building on just the sayings of Jesus or the example of Jesus. "Oh, isn't Jesus just a fine example? And he said so many cool, wonderful things." I hope you're not building on just those things or on the traditions of people who follow Jesus, but on Jesus himself, the chief cornerstone.

Notice he says, "Coming to him." That's when it all begins for you and I, we come to him. We speak about coming to Christ or coming to faith in Christ, a term Jesus even used. "Come unto me," he said, "all you who labor and are heavy laden, I will give you rest." So, here's God, he's got his building program going, you and I enter into that building program when you come to Christ. That's the basis, that's the foundation—Christ.

Second, notice the building—that's us. Verse 5, "You also, as living stones, are being built up a spiritual house, a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ." That's just profound. It's one thing to come to a living stone; it's quite another thing to become a living stone. That's his whole point: when you come, you become. When you come to Jesus Christ, you become like Jesus Christ. Did you know that? That's the whole point that Peter is making.

When you come to him, what happens is you start following him and you become more and more like him. You know the very term "Christian" what it means in its origin, right? It actually means a miniature Christ, a little Christ. So, how are we doing with keeping up with that title? That's kind of a tall order, but the point is this stone is alive, and when you come to him, you're not a dead, unanimated rock anymore, you're alive yourself. You share his life, and you share his strength, because you're a living stone.

Great story about the ancient king of Sparta in Ancient Greece. He used to brag about the mighty walls of Sparta, how strong they were, how massive they were. One day a king came to visit Sparta. He said, "I've heard about the mighty walls of Sparta, but I see no walls. Where are they?" And then the king of Sparta pointed to his well-disciplined troops, his men, and he said, "There they are. These men are the mighty walls of Sparta."

And even so Jesus Christ would point to you and I, saying, "These are the stones of the building that I am building. They are the living stones." It simply means we share his life, we share his strength. The life and strength that exists in Christ exists in us. Christianity is the only belief system or, if you prefer, the only religion where the life of the One we worship becomes our life. Do you ever hear of anyone being in Buddha? in Confucius? in Muhammad? Yet, repeatedly the New Testament says you and I are "in Christ."

"When Christ who is our life shall appear, we will appear with him in glory." Or as Peter writes in his second letter—if by God's grace we ever get to it. In Second Peter, chapter 1, he says, "He has given us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of him who called us by glory and virtue, whereby are given to us," he continues, "great and precious promises"—here it is, listen—"that by these we might be partakers of the divine nature." We come to him and we become like him, sharing the nature, the life, and the strength that is in Jesus himself.

Look back at verse 5, he continues, "As living stones, are being built up a spiritual house." Now, think of everything we've heard just so far. We're built upon the foundation Jesus Christ. He sets the angles. He gives the direction. And he's all about building people up. You know, God isn't all about property and all about temples. I hope you know that. "Well, is this the right temple? Is this the right place we can put God in?" God doesn't care. Stephen said to the Sanhedrin, and Paul said to the men and women of Athens, "For the Most High does not dwell in temples made with hands."

But he does build up people, and the point that Peter is making is that this is a spiritual house. In verse 9, "You're a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, his own special people." Verse 10, "Who once were not a people but now you are the people of God." God is far more concerned with building up people than us building properties. That's why in Hebrews 3:6, "Christ as a Son over his own house, whose house we are." First Corinthians chapter 3 verse 9, "You are God's building." So God builds up his kingdom by using people, and he's not done yet.

If you ever want to go to an interesting house, go to San Jose, California, and check out the Winchester Mystery House it's called. The story is; is that Sarah Winchester who is the heiress of the Winchester rifle group in the late eighteen hundreds she inherited $20 million. That's an enormous amount at any time, but back then it was huge. So she took her money and went west to San Jose, California. And she was very superstitious, and a medium told her that if she continued building a house that she would never die, she'd have eternal life.

For the next thirty-eight years, twenty-four/seven she hired something like thirty-six different building crews to build a house that eventually took up six acres, just the house. It had six kitchens inside of it, forty stairways, many that led to nowhere, because—"Just keep building, just build." And rooms were added, and hallways were added, ten thousand windows, one hundred and sixty rooms, and the house was never finished. So think of this house, this spiritual house that God is building, though with a different motivation than Sarah Winchester, as not being done yet.

Every time a person comes to Christ, another stone is added, God adds another hallway, another staircase, another room. His building program continues. It's a spiritual house. And notice it has a holy priesthood—see the analogy?—offering up spiritual sacrifices. Okay, so the analogy is that of the temple that was in Jerusalem that Peter had seen with his other buddies and with his Lord. And now he says we're a "spiritual house," we're a "holy priesthood," to offer up spiritual sacrifices.

I want you to understand the point he is making. He's saying we don't go to the temple, we are the temple. We don't come through a priest, you are those priests. And it's a spiritual house, and we have access like a priest, but also a responsibility to be holy like those priests. I have a question: What kind of spiritual sacrifices would you and I be offering? Can you think of any? Well, one, the most important one is you. You sacrifice your bodies.

Romans chapter 12 verse 1, "I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God that you present your body a living sacrifice holy and acceptable to God which is your reasonable service." So, basically you say, "God, here. Here are my hands and my feet and my mouth—they're yours. I sacrifice them for your purpose." That's a living sacrifice. Now, a living sacrifice is always harder than a dead sacrifice. A living sacrifice has the tendency to want to squirm off the altar. "Lord, I give you my life," the next day, "I'm not sure about that commitment." Get back on the altar. It's a living sacrifice. You live it out.

Another sacrifice is praise. Hebrews 13 verse 15, "Let us continually offer the sacrifice of praise, which is the fruit of our lips," the writer said. How is praise a sacrifice? Simply this way: there's sometimes you don't feel like worshiping. You don't feel like saying, "God, you're awesome. I trust you. I believe you." That's when it's a sacrifice—you do it anyway. It's a sacrifice, a "sacrifice of praise." Good works, sharing with people is also a sacrifice. Hebrews 13 verse 16, "Do not forget to do good and to share, for which such sacrifices God is well pleased."

Fourth, another sacrifice would be when we give financially to God's kingdom, his work. Philippians, chapter 4, Paul speaks of their giving as "an acceptable sacrifice" that is "well pleasing to God." So, we're a spiritual priesthood in a spiritual house with spiritual living stones being built together solidly on the cornerstone which is Jesus Christ. And it's a wonderful endeavor, but it's also a messy one, because God is in the business of building us all up. And you know what? You and I don't always agree on everything, do we? We don't always get along on every theological issue.

And, yet, he builds us up together. Do you know that you're going to be in heaven with people you disagree with, and that God reserves the right to use people who don't agree with you on every issue? I know that bothers some. I know that's one of the reasons people say, "I'm leaving this church and going to that church." That's fine, until you find people at that church that don't agree with you either. But one day we're all going to be in heaven together if we trust the Lord Jesus Christ. That's just what the family's all about.

Every family has people who are different. There's loud ones and quiet ones in your family. There's morning people and there's night people, but they're all part of the same family. Even among the apostles there were arguments. Between Peter and Paul there were disagreements. And so it is in the church. There's premillennialists, and there's amillennialists, and there's people who are just sort of confused about the whole thing.

There are people who believe in a pretribulation rapture, there are—I call them Post Toasties.[laughter] There's fuzzy fundamentalists, and kooky charismatics, and God puts us all together and builds up his house. And I'm glad he's the one building. So, there's the basis, there's the building, and, third, there's blueprints. And my dad always used a set of blueprints in his buildings and so does God. And Peter refers to those in verse 6, "Therefore it is also contained in the Scriptures." Those are the blueprints. And he quotes three of them in verse 6, 7, and 8.

He goes back to the Old Testament and he goes, "Look, this building that we're a part of didn't just sort of come up haphazardly and instantaneously, it's built upon the blueprints of what God said in the Old Testament." And he mentions three texts out of the Old Testament that speak of this building, or of this stone, or of this cornerstone. In other words, what Peter wants us to know is that the building enterprise that God is all about has been passed through the building commission of heaven, and come through the architect, God, into the hands of the Old Testament prophets.

God spoke about it and here we are enjoying it. And these are the Scriptures, the blueprints of Scriptures. Now, let's close with two builders. I want you to notice this here. There's two builders that are mentioned—false ones and the real one—wannabe builders, self-appointed builders, but then the real builder, which is God. Verse 4, "Coming to him as to a living stone," look at this, "rejected indeed by men, but chosen by God and precious."

Go down to verse 6, "Therefore it is also contained in Scripture," going back to the blueprints, " 'Behold, I lay in Zion a chief cornerstone, elect, precious, and he who believes on him will by no means be put to shame.' "He continues the thought, verse 7, "Therefore, to you who believe, he is precious; but to those who are disobedient, 'The stone which the builders rejected has become the chief cornerstone.' "So, first of all, there's these wannabe builders.

What Peter has in mind, no doubt, is the Sanhedrin, the Jewish Sanhedrin two thousand years ago, the caretakers of this religious system who were the self-imposed builders of God's work on earth. And the picture that he uses is that they had sort of like a measuring line. They took out their measuring rod, the measuring instruments of their own religion, and they surveyed Jesus Christ and his claims as Messiah.

They checked out Jesus as possibly being the cornerstone, but they took out the measuring implements of their religion, and they assessed the suitability of Jesus Christ. And they decided, "Reject him. He's not qualified to be the cornerstone. He's not qualified to be the Messiah." He didn't pass their calculations. Nothing was more abhorrent to those Jewish leaders than the idea that Jesus Christ would be the cornerstone that God would build everything on. They rejected him.

And what they did two thousand years ago, people still do today. They look Jesus over, they think about him, and then most people reject him as being the One that they should build their lives upon. They'll build their lives on something or someone else, some superstar, some rock star, some ideology, some religion, but not Jesus. So he's rejected, which leads me to this to just surmise: Why should I care about what the world out there thinks about me? I mean, they didn't get Jesus right; they rejected the most important one God sent. They kicked him out. They rejected him.

So why do I care what they think about me? Their opinion holds no value at all. They didn't get the most important one right. But then there's the real builder, that's God. Verse 4, "But chosen by God and precious." "And to you who believe," he continued in verse 7, "he is precious." You see, what Peter wants us to know is that God also had a measuring line. God also examined Jesus according to the measurements of his own perfection. And God looked over the cornerstone and said, "I approve. It's perfect. This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased." He passed that test.

There were two men who went to the Louvre, the museum in Paris, and looked at this classic work of art, this beautiful painting. And as they stood in front of it, one man said to the other, his buddy, "I-I-I don't get it. I don't get much out of that work of art." A curator overheard them, and walked up to them, and said, "Excuse me, gentlemen, but that painting is not on trial, you are. This painting has already passed the muster of value; the world has already assessed this as being valuable. All you are doing is showing the adequacy or the inadequacy of what you think of it. But it's not on trial, you are."

So, Jesus came and the leaders and the people rejected him and they wanted him crucified. They got rid of him. That's why Peter would stand up in Acts, chapter 4, and say to those very people these words: "Let it be known to you that Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom you crucified, but whom God raised from the dead, that's why this man whom they healed stands before you whole." Peter continued, "This is the stone that you 'builders have rejected, but has become the chief cornerstone.' "In other words, you might have rejected him, you might have rejected that stone, but God did not, and he proved his approval by the resurrection. That's what this means.

There was a young teacher teaching her class. And there was a group—there were young kids in the class. And this young schoolteacher, she was an atheist, and she felt compelled to let her students know. She said, "I'm an atheist." She announced that to her class, "I'm an atheist." And then she said, "How many of you are atheist?" Well, these are little kids; they really didn't understand the concept of atheism. So, they just wanted to please the teacher, and, like fireworks, shot their little hands up, except for one little girl named Lucy. She wouldn't raise her hand.

Teacher said, "Lucy, what's wrong with you?" She goes, "I am not an atheist." "Oh, you're not? Well, what are you?" Lucy said, "I'm a Christian." "Oh, you are?" said the teacher. "Why are you a Christian?" And she said, "Um, well, I was raised to love Jesus in my home, and my mommy is a Christian and my daddy is a Christian, so I'm a Christian." Teacher got angry and she says, "Well, what if your mommy was an idiot and your daddy was an idiot? What would that make you?" And she said with a smile, "An atheist." [laughter]

So, just because the world at large looks at Jesus Christ and says, "Not for me. I'm rejecting him. I will not build my life upon him," to us he is precious. And he sets the angles, and he sets the direction, and it's a smartest, wisest choice anyone could make. Let's pray.

Lord, you gave to this world only one Cornerstone, the foundation stone upon which your whole building enterprise would be staged. You did not give several; you did not give one among many, but One that is elect, chosen, precious, approved by you, and precious to those who believe. You said in your Word that we should give our bodies as living sacrifice. Said Paul, "It's our reasonable service." It's the smartest thing we could do to build our lives, our stone laid upon the Cornerstone, the only one who has the right angles, the right direction, the right stability, eternal life, adequate strength to build our lives on—all other is sinking sand.

Thank you for the solidarity, the solidity, and the magnificence that is Jesus Christ our Lord. Lord, I further pray your blessing on this flock for this coming week. I pray that the world's opinion of them would matter less and less, and what you have established would matter more and more. I pray you'd keep them safe as they travel in this snowy weather today, tomorrow. I pray their week would be filled with your joy, with your blessing, and that your Holy Spirit would direct the steps and the lives of each one, in Jesus' name, amen.

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A Pebble, a Boulder & a Solid Foundation
1 Peter 1:1
Skip Heitzig
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Peter is the most famous of the apostles, even though he only wrote two short epistles in the New Testament. But of all the early followers of Christ, Peter is perhaps the most relatable to us since he demonstrates all the weaknesses and failures we see in ourselves. But Peter's personal life and his writings become a composite model of "strength through trust." Any weak, wobbly, failure-ridden person can become Rock Solid through Christ.
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The Underpinnings of a Rock-Solid Life
1 Peter 1:2
Skip Heitzig
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Peter skillfully lays the foundational basis for the Christian life to his readers in a single verse. We've been picked by God, placed in His family, and promised future benefits. For anyone who has ever struggled with a weak faith, these truths can be transforming. In this introduction to Peter's letter, let's unpack the meaning of these encouraging realities.
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Stepping Stones of the New Birth
1 Peter 1:3-5
Skip Heitzig
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"Born again" wasn't a term invented by the popular press or religious fundamentalists. It was something Jesus told Nicodemus must happen for anyone to enter heaven (see John 3:3). Peter certainly heard that term from Jesus and speaks of it here (as well as in 1 Peter 1:23). It's a term synonymous with being saved and having eternal life. What does this new birth provide? In a word—solidity! Coming to Christ brings hope, inheritance, and power.
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Why We Hate Trials (And Why We Love Them)
1 Peter 1:6-7
Skip Heitzig
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If the trials of life could only exist by popular demand, we would have voted them away long ago. People, by and large, hate suffering of any kind. Here in the Western world, we have made it our aim to mitigate against any form of it by a multitude of distractions and experiences. There is even a theology that seeks to say God never wants us to suffer—ever. Let's look at five reasons why we hate (and love) trials, and consider how they can be used to make us better people.
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Rock Solid Relationship or Relationship on the Rocks?
1 Peter 1:8-9
Skip Heitzig
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Why do we insist that having a relationship with God is not the same as being a religious person? How is a relationship with Him even possible, since He is GOD and thus is unique from all other creatures? Today, the answer to that will be made simple as we consider the simplest components of any relationship, including a relationship with God.
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Our Bedrock Salvation
1 Peter 1:10-12
Skip Heitzig
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God has always planned on saving you. You were never an afterthought or a last-minute consideration. Not only have you been chosen before time began (1 Peter 1:2), but throughout the ages your salvation has been expected and planned for. The spokesmen of the Old Testament wrote about Jesus’ coming and the new covenant of grace, which you are now a part of. All this makes our salvation more secure than ever, built on the bedrock of His promises.
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How to Walk in the Dark
1 Peter 1:13-18
Skip Heitzig
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Holiness is an uncomfortable subject for most believers. We have no problem assigning holiness to God as we sing, “You Are Holy, Oh Lord!” But our minds get muddled when we think of our own holiness because we don’t want to appear holier than thou. So what does it mean to be holy? And how can we live holy lives around unholy people? In short, how can we be “children of light” (Ephesians 5:8) while walking in a dark world?
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Where You Fit in God's Plan
1 Peter 1:18-21
Skip Heitzig
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God's plan always involves people, and you are one of those people. God's plan includes you. Just think of it. God had you in mind when He put His plan together for the whole world. So where do you fit in that plan? When did this plan have its beginning? How much did this plan cost, and what is your part in it? Today we make that discovery by noting five vital truths:
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Rock Solid Love
1 Peter 1:22-2:3
Skip Heitzig
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Peter's love for his Friend and Lord, Jesus Christ, was at one time on shaky ground when he denied that he even knew Jesus. His love would even get questioned by Christ later on (John 21:15-17). But now Peter knows that love for Christ and love for His people is all part of the same package. A relationship with God includes an affection for God's people. Four components of a rock-solid love are given by the very man who learned what true love is.
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Got Milk?
1 Peter 2:1-3
Skip Heitzig
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Babies need milk to survive and to thrive. And newborn babies need and crave it a lot. So too, those who have been spiritually born-again need spiritual milk so that they can grow and be mature. As believers grow, they will begin to enjoy more solid spiritual food. But here Peter is addressing our appetites?those things we desire and crave. He gives us a three-part instruction that will curb and train our appetites in such a way that maximum growth will be achieved.
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Maximum Impact
1 Peter 2:11-12
Skip Heitzig
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How can Christ-followers make the most meaningful impact on the unbelieving world? That was in Peter's mind when he wrote this letter to scattered believers facing hostility from their neighbors. Four principles that transcend time stand out here; these will encourage us and empower us as we seek to influence our world for Christ and leave a lasting impression.
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The World's Hardest Activity
1 Peter 2:13-17
Skip Heitzig
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Some people are just gifted at music or naturally talented with their hands. Others find that sports come easy, while others can perform math functions with total ease. But there is something that practically everyone finds difficult and that is submission. To abdicate our will to that of another, even for the sake of order and peace, is extremely tough. But there are higher goals and loftier purposes for believers to live submissive lives.
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Take This Job and Love It
1 Peter 2:18-21
Skip Heitzig
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I want to make you a promise today: If you can learn and master the four principles in our text, your job will never be the same. The tedium, tension, and labor will give way to a higher motive that will bring authentic joy and deep satisfaction. As Peter addresses slaves in the ancient Roman world, let?s apply it to a much more modern and humane situation?your place of employment.
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You Remind Me of Someone!
1 Peter 2:21-25
Skip Heitzig
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Whom do you remind people of? At work or in society at large, is it evident that you are a Christ-follower? Jesus is always our supreme example for how to live a godly life in an ungodly world. Peter told us that we should submit to government as well as to management, and now he tells us why we should—because Jesus did and He's the one we follow.
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The Irresistible Beauty of a Tender Heart
1 Peter 3:1-6
Skip Heitzig
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The most attractive people in the world are those who display depth of character and pleasant personalities. Solomon insisted that “[outward] beauty is passing” (Proverbs 31:30). As Peter speaks to a common issue in the early church (Christian wives married to unbelieving husbands), he also gives us three marks of a tenderhearted woman: in her actions, attitudes, and admiration.
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The Four-Sided Fortress of a Husband's Love
1 Peter 3:7
Skip Heitzig
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If life is to be rock solid, then family relationships—especially marriage—must be rock solid. No wonder Peter speaks to husbands after addressing wives. In his directive toward submission, he addresses citizens (and not government officials); he addresses servants (and not their masters). But when it comes to the home, he addresses both wives and husbands. Let's consider how a husband's love can make a woman feel firmly secure.
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How to Attract Flies
1 Peter 3:8-12
Skip Heitzig
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The old saying "You catch more flies with honey than you do with vinegar" fits perfectly with Peter's letter. He's been telling Christians how to live in plain view of the unbelieving world. Now he goes into the church and tells us how to treat each other. It's his hope that an exhibition of real, Christian love will provide a base of satisfying fellowship for us and attract unbelievers. But how?
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When Holiness Meets Hostility
1 Peter 3:13-17
Skip Heitzig
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Faith is not neutral. It’s a powerful and dynamic force that changes behavior (if it is genuine faith). Unbelief is also a powerful force, and when believers try to live out their faith in an unbelieving environment, there are some predictable and unavoidable results. Let’s consider four truths from Peter’s pen that will be helpful when God’s holy people meet up with a hostile world.
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A Reason for Every "Ouch!"
1 Peter 3:18-22
Skip Heitzig
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Perhaps the most common word in our language is the tiny word, "Ouch!" Every day, it's repeatedly expressed in variant forms around the world. It's a word that conveys pain and suffering. Peter’s audience knew all about suffering, but they didn't always know how it could actually be used for anything good. Christ's own sufferings provide the best example of both the power and usefulness of suffering.
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The Invisible War
1 Peter 3:18-22
Skip Heitzig
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In every war, strategy plays a role. Each side plans and makes movements in accordance to what it learns about the other side’s tactics. If information is leaked, a counteroffensive can be launched. This can be seen in the grand and most profound war of the universe: The Invisible War. In this battle, Satan and his minions wage war against God, His angels, and His people. We’ll consider it by looking again at one of the most enigmatic texts in the New Testament. Let’s unravel it.
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Should I Get Soaking Wet?
1 Peter 3:20-21
Skip Heitzig
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So what's the deal with baptism? Why do Christians practice it? What does it have to do with my relationship to God? Peter raised the issue of baptism in this letter, but he tied it into what happened during the time of Noah and the great flood. What on earth could one have to do with the other? Let's unravel these verses and then relate them to our current understanding of Christian baptism. Does this really save a person?
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Just Counting Time or Making Time Count?
1 Peter 4:1-6
Skip Heitzig
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There is a certain amount of time allotted to us all, and we all decide how we are going to spend it. But none of us knows exactly how much of it we have left. So a huge question for all of us is: What will you do with the time you have left? Some never face that issue honestly, thinking that they'll always have plenty of time. Today, let's consider four solid principles that will make the time you have left really count.
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Living Like There's No Tomorrow
1 Peter 4:7-11
Skip Heitzig
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People have been predicting the end of the world since the beginning of the world. But Scripture declares there will be an end. For some, their world could end this week or this year when death pays them a visit. But with whatever time we have left, we should live with a sense of imminence and anticipation that God's kingdom is around the corner. What elements can make our lives stronger as we await the end of the age?
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The Dos and Don'ts of Suffering
1 Peter 4:12-19
Skip Heitzig
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Pain and suffering dominate our world. To some, that poses an insurmountable roadblock to faith in a good and loving God. How can a loving God let such unlovely things happen all around the globe every day for millennia? Not only is this a deal breaker for unbelievers, but it presents a quandary for believers who want to make sense out of everything in life. The apostle Peter weighed in on these issues in a very personal way to his fellow Christians.
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Profile of a Good Shepherd
1 Peter 5:1-4
Skip Heitzig
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"The church needs leaders who serve and servants who lead." So said one notable pastor. Peter doesn't address just the suffering flock of believers in this letter; he also has encouragement for the leaders of the flock—the pastors. What are the characteristics of a shepherd who serves among God's flock? What are his responsibilities, and how can a church flourish under such leadership? Here, Peter places himself and fellow shepherds under the microscope.
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The Upright Walk of a Bowed-Down Man
1 Peter 5:5-7
Skip Heitzig
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One website I came across recently stated that "the more in control you are of your life, the more assured and confident you'll become." The same website warned readers to not trust others. That is, unfortunately, the by-product of our proud world. But walking among others means we sometimes need to bend low in humility for the sake of solidarity and unity. Peter's words on this are timeless.
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Lion Alert!
1 Peter 5:8-9
Skip Heitzig
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Just think what would happen if a lion from our local zoo escaped and was wandering around the park, looking for a fresh kill. Can you imagine the pandemonium that would erupt if such a misfortune occurred? Imagine no more! Our Enemy is far more dangerous and formidable and is on the prowl to destroy the spiritual lives of the residents of planet Earth, especially those who belong to Christ. Let's consider the battle and the potential outcome.
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A Rock-Solid Finish
1 Peter 5:10-14
Skip Heitzig
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Peter ended his letter with a few nuggets of distilled truth. In just a couple of verses, he concentrated everything he had already said. To his suffering audience, Peter offered assurance of God’s perfect plan that began when they trusted in Christ and wouldn’t end until they were firmly secure in the glories of heaven. Though pain is part of the process of perfection, the finish line is worth it!
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Building a Forever Faith
2 Peter 1:1-11
Skip Heitzig
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To build a home or a commercial building requires having the right people and the right materials in place. There is a critical path for the work to follow. And there are blueprints and building codes for the builders to follow. It's the same when it comes to building a spiritual life. As Peter began his second letter, he spoke to the need of spiritual growth. To build a "forever faith," Peter shared four important principles to build successfully.
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How to Live and Die Well
2 Peter 1:12-15
Skip Heitzig
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Peter lived his life knowing the brevity of it. Here, he wrote as an older man in his seventies. Realizing there was more road behind him than ahead of him, he gave a model for us. Essentially we have here an excellent example of how to live well and how to die well. Let's answer the question How can I live and die well? by considering four keys passed along by Peter himself.
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Is It True? How Can I Know?
2 Peter 1:16-21
Skip Heitzig
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Truth is a slippery word. Definitions get assigned to it that are contradictory, purely individual, and without any validation. Peter wanted his readers to know things. He was giving them truth that was both personally familiar and prophetically verifiable. How can we today know that what we believe in and hope for is actually true?
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Watch Out for Fakes!
2 Peter 2:1-14
Skip Heitzig
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Counterfeiting has become a multibillion-dollar industry that extends all around the world. Fake jewelry, fake purses, fake paintings, and, yes, even fake medicines are sold as if they’re the genuine articles, when they are cheap (though amazingly real-looking) imitations. It’s the same when it comes to truth. What makes a false teacher of false teaching? Peter gave three recommendations in dealing with such counterfeits.
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Caution: Ruts Ahead!
2 Peter 2:15-22
Skip Heitzig
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The quality, comfort, and success of a journey depend largely on the conditions of the road, the company you keep, and the destination you’re heading for. False teachers and their devotees guarantee a perilous voyage and a bad finish! Today we are challenged to live cautiously as we make progress in our journey of faith and to watch out for ruts.
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Look, Jesus Is Coming!
2 Peter 3:1-10
Skip Heitzig
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The second coming of Jesus Christ will be the greatest day in humankind’s history. The promise of His return to rule the world He created has been what believers have longed for the last 2,000 years. Jesus’ return will be the solution to every social, moral, political, and spiritual issue and problem. But what do other people (besides Christian believers) think about such a notion? And, as we wait for His return, what should we look for, and where ought we to be looking?
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Breaking Up Camp and Moving On
2 Peter 3:10-18
Skip Heitzig
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We have studied both letters of Peter and have seen how anyone whose life would otherwise be weak, wobbly, and failure ridden can become Rock Solid through Christ. This is vital since life in this world is dynamic, shifting, and transitory. This world is passing; its glory is fading. Thus, anyone who places all their energy and hope in this life alone will be disappointed. Today, as we end our series, we consider where we are eventually headed and how to arrive safely.
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There are 35 additional messages in this series.
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