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Freedom Celebration 2017 - Friday
Skip Heitzig

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Independence Day Messages

Though we are blessed with freedom in the United States, many people are not truly free. Nicodemus was a man who appeared to have it all together. Little did he know that the void in his life could only be filled by a relationship with Jesus. In this message, we learn what it means to be born again.

As believers in Jesus Christ, we have the greatest freedom in the world: "If the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed" (John 8:36). Be encouraged to embrace and live out that freedom in these special Independence Day messages.

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  1. Introduction
    1. When you keep on missing, you need to change your way of thinking
      1. Some people feel like they have struck out in life
      2. Most people want to change something about the way they're living
    2. Though we in the United States enjoy freedom, many people are not free
      1. They are bound, in shackles to something
      2. People can change many things about their outward appearance, but still feel empty on the inside (see 1 Samuel 16:7)
    3. What about the soul?
      1. It is the soul that will live forever
      2. Matthew 16:26; Mark 8:37-38
  2. We all have a void in our soul
    1. Nicodemus was a man of great notoriety, a respected teacher
      1. He had it all together on the outside
      2. He was a man who was supposed to have all the answers
      3. Yet he had deep questions of his own
      4. He was one of the four richest men in Jerusalem at that time
    2. Many people believe that those things (notoriety, wealth) will fill the void in their life
      1. You can be at the very top of your game and be empty on the inside
      2. Many people know what it is like to be bored, lonely, and unfulfilled
    3. We are all born with a hole in our soul (see Romans 8:20)
      1. God made us that way so we would find Him and fill that hole with a relationship with Jesus Christ (see Ecclesiastes 3:11)
      2. Yet people try to fill that hole with lots of things that don't work
  3. Religion
    1. Nicodemus was a religious ruler
      1. A Pharisee, someone who religiously followed the rules
      2. He fasted two days a week
      3. He prayed every day
    2. Many people, like Nicodemus, have a spiritual side
      1. But they don't know God personally
      2. There is no relationship with Jesus
      3. People want a spiritual experience; they are unsatisfied with life on the physical plane
      4. Everything in the world is not enough to fill the hole in the soul
    3. Jesus is the living water that will quench spiritual thirst (see John 7:37)
  4. Nicodemus had questions
    1. If you have questions, go to the one who has the answers: Jesus Christ
    2. Nicodemus came to Jesus at night
      1. Perhaps he did not want to be seen with Jesus
        1. Many people are concerned with what people will think of them if they accept Jesus
        2. Friends don't let friends go to hell
        3. We should be more concerned with what God thinks about us than what people think of us
      2. Perhaps he was busy during the day
      3. Perhaps he was curious
      4. Perhaps he wanted quality time with Jesus
      5. The important thing is that he came to Jesus at all
  5. Born again
    1. A born again Christian isn't a special kind of Christian; they are just a Christian
      1. We need a new birth
      2. A spiritual birth is an entrance into new life
    2. Everyone needs to be born again because we are dead (see Ephesians 2:1)
    3. Nicodemus asked how a man could be born again when he is old
      1. He was asking how a person can really change
      2. Many people try to change themselves
        1. New Year's resolutions
        2. Education or philosophy
        3. Self-help programs
        4. Politics
    4. Jesus will change you from the inside out
      1. No one is beyond God's reach
      2. God has done miracles in which people are born again on their deathbed
  6. We can be born again only through Jesus
    1. God will take anyone, but we have to admit we have a need and believe in Jesus
      1. We must give Him the keys of our life
      2. He wants to run our life
    2. You have to come to Him
      1. He loves you, but if you want to stay out of heaven, He will let you
      2. The best bet is to receive Him
    3. Nicodemus thought he was just fine until he met Jesus
      1. Going through the motions is not enough
      2. We must know the Christ of Christianity
      3. When you place your faith in Jesus, there will be an affect in your soul
  7. How to be born again
    1. You must recognize you are a sinner
      1. Only people who are sick go looking for the doctor
      2. You cannot blame the way you are on anyone or anything
    2. You must realize that Jesus Christ died for you and your sins
    3. You must repent
      1. Turn around and go in another direction
      2. Repentance means you will change your way of thinking about life, God, and your future
    4. You must believe in Jesus
      1. Trust Him
      2. Depend on Him
      3. To believe in Jesus is not to just believe in your head; it is to put all your weight on Him
    5. You must do it publically
      1. When you are willing to make a public stand for Jesus, it settles it for you
      2. Matthew 10:32-33
    6. You must do it now
      1. God has a new life for you, but you have to be willing to do it now
      2. It doesn't matter if you have failed in the past
      3. Jesus will give you a new ball game if you come just as you are
Figures referenced: Alexander the Great, Nicolas Cage, Albert Einstein, Henry David Thoreau

Works referenced: Extreme Makeover, Genius

Cross references: 1 Samuel 16:7; Ecclesiastes 3:11; Matthew 10:32-33; 16:26; Mark 8:37-38; John 7:37; Romans 8:20; Ephesians 2:1

Additional Messages in this Series

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Freedom Celebration 2017 - Saturday
Skip Heitzig
Message Summary
Death is a subject most people avoid talking about--it's uncomfortable. But the fact is that every single person will eventually die. In this message, we learn that we don't have to be afraid of death if we are willing to come before Jesus in repentance for our sins.
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Freedom Celebration 2016
Skip Heitzig
Message Summary
Mankind is addicted to working for a salvation we cannot attain on our own. In this Independence Day message, we learn that even though sin promises to fulfill our need for freedom, true freedom comes from the Son of God.
Freedom Celebration 2015 - Living Free in a Broken World
1 Timothy 1-2
Skip Heitzig
Message Summary
It seems that the more freedom people gain, the less they understand and appreciate true freedom. In this special Independence Day message, Skip Heitzig gives us three points from 1 Timothy 1-2 about how to impact the world around us as we live in true freedom, which comes only from Jesus Christ.
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Freedom Celebration 2014
John 8:31-36
Skip Heitzig
Message Summary
Jesus addressed the religious people of His day about true freedom, but they didn't understand what He was talking about. They thought they were free—even claiming that the nation of Israel had never been in bondage—but they were deeply misguided. In this study, we look at what Jesus had to say about where real freedom comes from—not sin or self, but from the Son alone.
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Freedom Celebration 2013
Galatians 5:1
Skip Heitzig
Message Summary
Before accepting Christ into our lives we are slaves to sin who cannot experience true liberty. Even now, as we take freedom for granted in our nation, we may actually be in bondage to the many lies of the world. In Paul's letter to the Galatians, we see a warning about legalism and an encouragement to truly be free in Christ.
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Freedom Celebration 2012
Skip Heitzig
Message Summary
On Independence Day, we gather to thank God for and celebrate our country's freedom—but what good is civil liberty without freedom in Christ? Jesus promised freedom to His followers—freedom from spiritual ignorance, freedom from sin, and freedom from death. These give cause for a deeper, more meaningful, celebration.
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Freedom Celebration 2011
John 8:31-35
Skip Heitzig
Message Summary
All of us are born into bondage—we are slaves to sin. But there is hope! Jesus can turn a slave into a son! As we consider our text from John 8, we'll be challenged to grow up and to grow deep in our relationship with Christ.
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Free to be a Slave
Romans 6:14-23
Skip Heitzig
Message Summary
God’s Word declares, "Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom" (2 Corinthians 3:17). As we gather to celebrate not only the freedoms of our nation, but our freedom in Christ, we’ll consider what we have been set free from, and what we have been set free for. We’ll address an issue that is often overlooked as we ponder the question: whom do you serve?
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Freedom Celebration 2009
Skip Heitzig
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Freedom Celebration 2009 from our study Independence Day Messages with Skip Heitzig from Calvary Albuquerque.
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Special Baptism Service
Skip Heitzig
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Freedom Celebration 2004 - Are You Really Free?
John 8:31-51
Skip Heitzig
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Freedom Celebration 2004 - Are You Really Free? - John 8:31-51 from our study Independence Day Messages with Skip Heitzig from Calvary Albuquerque.
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Are You Really Free?
John 8
Skip Heitzig
Message Summary
Are You Really Free? - John 8 from our study Independence Day Messages with Skip Heitzig from Calvary Albuquerque.
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There are 12 additional messages in this series.
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