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Matthew 4:1-17
Skip Heitzig

Matthew 4 (NKJV™)
1 Then Jesus was led up by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil.
2 And when He had fasted forty days and forty nights, afterward He was hungry.
3 Now when the tempter came to Him, he said, "If You are the Son of God, command that these stones become bread."
4 But He answered and said, "It is written, 'Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.'"
5 Then the devil took Him up into the holy city, set Him on the pinnacle of the temple,
6 and said to Him, "If You are the Son of God, throw Yourself down. For it is written: 'He shall give His angels charge over you,' and, 'In their hands they shall bear you up, Lest you dash your foot against a stone.'"
7 Jesus said to him, "It is written again, 'You shall not tempt the LORD your God.'"
8 Again, the devil took Him up on an exceedingly high mountain, and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory.
9 And he said to Him, "All these things I will give You if You will fall down and worship me."
10 Then Jesus said to him, "Away with you, Satan! For it is written, 'You shall worship the LORD your God, and Him only you shall serve.'"
11 Then the devil left Him, and behold, angels came and ministered to Him.
12 Now when Jesus heard that John had been put in prison, He departed to Galilee.
13 And leaving Nazareth, He came and dwelt in Capernaum, which is by the sea, in the regions of Zebulun and Naphtali,
14 that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by Isaiah the prophet, saying:
15 "The land of Zebulun and the land of Naphtali, By the way of the sea, beyond the Jordan, Galilee of the Gentiles:
16 The people who sat in darkness have seen a great light, And upon those who sat in the region and shadow of death Light has dawned."
17 From that time Jesus began to preach and to say, "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand."

New King James Version®, Copyright © 1982, Thomas Nelson, Inc. All rights reserved.

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40 Matthew - 2011

Prior to the start of Jesus' public earthly ministry, He was led up to be tempted by the devil. As we review His encounter with Satan, we uncover important principles of spiritual warfare. We consider not only when and how Jesus was tempted, but also how He fought—and the ministry that began on the heels of the battle.

From its opening genealogy through its careful record of Old Testament prophecies fulfilled, Matthew's gospel forms a bridge between the Old Testament and the New Testament. In this in-depth study by Pastor Skip Heitzig we'll consider Jesus' ancestry, birth, public ministry, death, and resurrection, and we'll gain a clearer understanding of Jesus as both Messiah and King.

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Study Guide

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Matthew 4

“Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.”
– Jesus
Matthew 4:17

PREVIEW: In Matthew 4, we see Jesus righteously handle the tempter, begin His ministry, and begin calling His disciples.

PRAY: Father, as we study how Jesus handled Satan in the wilderness, please teach me how to deal with temptation in my own life.

Journal your prayer here:

Matthew 4 Outline:
First Temptation - Read Matthew 4:1-4
Second Temptation - Read Matthew 4:5-7
Third Temptation - Read Matthew 4:8-11
Jesus Begins His Ministry - Read Matthew 4:12-17
Jesus Calls His First Disciples - Read Matthew 4:18-22
Jesus Ministers in Galilee - Read Matthew 4:23-25

First Temptation - Read Matthew 4:1-4

1. After Jesus’ baptism in Matthew 3, He was led directly into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. Who led Jesus (v. 1)?

2. PRODUCE: The Spirit led Jesus into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. Read Deuteronomy 8:2-5, and explain why God might lead us into the wilderness.

3. The temptations of Jesus were preceded by a time of fasting. How long did Jesus fast, and what was his physical condition when the tempter came to Him (v. 2)?

4. PROPOUND: Jesus fasted for forty days and nights; afterward, He was hungry. How hungry do you think He was?

5. The tempter, another name for Satan, made an appeal to Jesus’ physical appetite because of His physical condition. What was that appeal, and why would it be a temptation (v. 3)?

6. What was Jesus’ response to this temptation? Read Hebrews 5:8. What did Jesus learn through the temptations? (See also Philippians 2:8 and Hebrews 2:18.)

7. PROCEED: Matthew 4:11 says, “Then the devil left Him.” Read James 4:7-10. What do we need to do to make the devil leave us?

Second Temptation - Read Matthew 4:5-7

8. The second temptation was an appeal to personal gain. Jesus could make a display of showmanship by jumping from the pinnacle of the temple for all to see, knowing that He wouldn’t be hurt because the angels would “bear Him up,” “lest he dash His foot against a stone.” What verses did the devil quote in this temptation (v. 6)?

9. Carefully compare Satan’s quotation of this verse (v. 6) with the actual verse. What’s missing, and why is it a significant omission?

10. What was Jesus’ response to this temptation (v. 7)?

11. The devil misquoted the Scripture during this temptation. Why is it important to ensure that we check the Scriptures quoted to us? (See Acts 17:11, 1 Thessalonians 5:21, 1 John 4:1, 2 John 1:7, and Revelation 12:9.)

Third Temptation - Read Matthew 4:8-11

12. In the third temptation, the devil appealed to power and glory by showing Jesus all the kingdoms of the world (v. 8) and tempting Him with rule and ownership. He offered Jesus an easy route to becoming King of kings, bypassing the cross, and thus thwarting God’s plan of salvation. What did the devil say Jesus had to do in order to receive rule and reign over all the kingdoms (v. 9)?

13. This offer wouldn’t have been a temptation if the devil didn’t own and rule all the kingdoms of the world. In 2 Corinthians 4:4, John 12:31, and Ephesians 2:2, what titles are given to the devil?

14. What was Jesus’ response to this temptation (v. 10)?

15. PROPOUND: In Jesus’ third temptation, what did He command Satan to do? What did Satan do? (See Matthew 4:10-11.)

16. After the temptations, ministering angels attend to Jesus. List some of the types of ministry that angels perform and to whom they minister. (See Matthew 26:53, Luke 22:43, and Hebrews 1:14.)

17. PRACTICE: Review Jesus’ response in each temptation. What did He do? How is this something we need be skilled at doing in our own lives?

18. PROCLAIM: When we’re tempted, it is better to obey God’s Word than to satisfy our own evil desires. Read James 1:12-15. What do we learn from this passage?

19. PROTECT: We can also be tempted by the devil (see James 1:12-15). Why is it crucial to focus on God’s eternal plan for our lives, instead of the temporal pleasures of our flesh? (See Matthew 16:26 and 1 John 2:15–17.)

20. PROPOUND: In each temptation, Jesus said, “It is written.” Where is it written? How did Jesus know what was written?

21. PROPOUND: Develop a personal strategy to deal with temptation based upon Jesus’ response to the tempter. Share it here.

22. PROPOUND: Compare 1 John 2:16 with the three temptations of Jesus. How are they similar?

Jesus Begins His Ministry - Read Matthew 4:12-17

23. Jesus heard that John the Baptist was imprisoned; He left Nazareth in Galilee and went to Capernaum. Read Luke 4:16-30. Why did Jesus leave Nazareth?

24. Jesus began His ministry in the regions of Zebulun and Naphtali, thus fulfilling a prophecy from the book of Isaiah: light coming to people in darkness (v. 16). (See also John 8:12.) What is Jesus’ message (v. 17)? Who else shared this message? (See Matthew 3:2; 10:7.)

Jesus Calls His First Disciples - Read Matthew 4:18-22

25. As Jesus walked by the Sea of Galilee, He saw two brothers: Simon, called Peter, and Andrew. What did He say to them and what was their response (vv. 19-20)?

26. James and John were mending nets when Jesus called them. What was their response and what did they leave (vv. 21-22)?

Learn more about these four men:

27. PROPOUND: The disciples “immediately” left what they were doing to follow Jesus. Read Luke 9:57-62. Why is this important?

Jesus Ministers in Galilee - Read Matthew 4:23-25

28. As Jesus ministered in Galilee, He taught, preached, and healed. What is His message (v. 23)? What does the word gospel mean?

29. PROPOUND: Jesus taught in the synagogues. What do you think He taught?

30. Jesus began performing miracles that authenticated Him as the Messiah (anointed One). List the types of miracles He performed. (See also Matthew 11:2-5, where John the Baptist asked for confirmation of Jesus being the Coming One. Notice the response Jesus sent with John’s disciples.) (See also Isaiah 29:18; 35:4–6.)

31. PROMOTE: Share with the group why Jesus’ message when He began His ministry is still crucial today.

32. PROCESS: Take some time to review your strategy for dealing with the tempter. Are you ready to face him?

PRAY: Father, thank You for teaching me how to deal with temptation. Help me to resist the devil and stand firm in my faith.

Journal your prayer here:

Detailed Notes

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  1. Introduction
    1. We all have to deal with the devil
      1. Jesus had to
      2. "We are not ignorant of his devices" (2 Corinthians 2:11)
      3. The dark side is powerful
      4. God's side is more powerful
    2. Matthew 3
      1. John the Baptist in the wilderness
        1. "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand!" (Matthew 3:1)
        2. John baptized for the remission of sins
        3. His message to the Pharisees was different
          1. He didn't trust their motives
          2. "Brood of vipers! Who warned you to flee from the wrath to come?  Therefore bear fruits worthy of repentance, and do not think to say to yourselves, 'We have Abraham as our father.' For I say to you that God is able to raise up children to Abraham from these stones. (Matthew 3:7-9)
      2. Jesus came to be baptized
        1. "Then Jesus came from Galilee to John at the Jordan to be baptized by him. And John tried to prevent Him, saying, 'I need to be baptized by You, and are You coming to me?' But Jesus answered and said to him, 'Permit it to be so now, for thus it is fitting for us to fulfill all righteousness.'"(Matthew 3:13-15)
        2. He identified with sinful people: His baptism prefigured His payment for our sin
      3. Heavens were opened
        1. Proved God's favor
        2. Holy Spirit alighted on Jesus like a Dove
        3. "This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased." (Matthew 3:17)
    3. As Heaven opened in chapter 3, Hell is opened in chapter 4
      1. "Every action brings an equal and opposite reaction"—Isaac Newton
      2. The action of God invites the reaction of Satan
        1. Nothing promotes the activity of the devil more than your proximity to God
        2. Illustration: C.S. Lewis' The Screwtape Letters
    4. Mistakes Christians make regarding the devil
      1. Make  too much of the devil: See him everywhere, in everything
      2. Deny his existence: He's not a literal person
        1. He wants you to believe that
        2. No enemy is as powerful as one you don't believe exists
        3. Charles Finney to man who didn't believe in the devil: "You do battle with him for a while, and you will!"
    5. The battle is real
      1. Martin Luther purported to throw an inkwell at the devil when he appeared to him
      2. "Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour." (1 Peter 5:8)
      3. Shouldn't surprise us: we should be anticipating: "And I will put enmity Between you and the woman, And between your seed and her Seed; He shall bruise your head, And you shall bruise His heel." (Genesis 3:15)
        1. First messianic prophecy
        2. Herod killed the babies born trying to destroy Him
        3. As Jesus begins His public ministry
  2. When Jesus was tempted
    1. After Jesus was baptized: after the spiritual blessing
      1. The devil wants to steal the blessing God gave
      2. Israel delivered from Egypt: Pharaoh pursues them to destroy
      3. Hezekiah reinstituted the Passover: Sennacherib surrounded Jerusalem
      4. Transfiguration of Jesus (See Matthew 17)/demon possessed kid the disciples couldn't deal with
      5. "The devil is never more active than in a church" —J.C. Ryle
        1. Go to church and are blessed; Satan is waiting outside the door
        2. We are dealing with a defeated enemy
          1. Not fighting for victory, fighting from victory
          2. "He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world." (1 John 4:4)
      6. Anything that the devil can ruin, he will ruin
    2. When He was weakest
      1. He had fasted 40 days and 40 nights and He was hungry
        1. Not a sanctified diet
        2. Not a way to manipulate God to get what you want
        3. A means by which you deny your flesh so that you can focus on spiritual things
        4. See Isaiah 58 for principles about fasting
      2. Moses fasted for 40 days and 40 nights
      3. Elijah also fasted 40 days and 40 nights (See 1 Kings 18)
      4. Fasting
        1. At first difficult
        2. Hunger ceases
        3. When hunger reemerges, you are at starvation level: Jesus was starving to death
      5. When you are weak physically, you are often vulnerable emotionally and spiritually
    3. Seeking to be alone with His Father
      1. Interruptions, distractions
      2. Satan hates us to have a quiet time with the Lord
  3. First Temptation
    1. "If You are the Son of God, command that these stones become bread."
      1. More accurate translation: "Since You are the Son of God"
        1. Not a supposition
        2. An affirmation
        3. Wuest translation: "In view of the fact that You are the Son of God"
      2. Questioning God's Provision
        1. Slamming God's love
        2. Suggesting Jesus use his own power to provide what the Father didn't
        3. Doubting God's care
        4. "Has God indeed said, 'You shall not eat of every tree of the garden'?" (Genesis 3:1)
        5. Abram and Sarah: thought better to handle it themselves
    2. Jesus answer: Quotes Scripture: Deuteronomy 8:3
  4. Second Temptation
    1. The devil quotes two scriptures
      1. According to the Jews, Jerusalem is the center of the world
        1. "Thus says the Lord God: 'This is Jerusalem; I have set her in the midst of the nations and the countries all around her." (Ezekiel 5:5)
        2. Jerusalem the "navel of the earth"
        3. "Israel is the center of the world; Jerusalem is the center of Israel; the temple is the center of Jerusalem." If you are at the temple you are at the epicenter of the Earth."
      2. Satan took Jesus to the center of the earth, where Messiah was to come
        1. Some rabbis believed the Messiah would stand on the roof of the temple
        2. "The LORD, whom you seek, Will suddenly come to His temple," (Malachi 3:1)
        3. "Throw Yourself down" (450 feet)
      3. Questioning God's protection (Devil knows the Bible better than we do: He was trained in heaven)
    2. Jesus answered with Scripture
  5. Third Temptation
    1. Satan offers the world
      1. The kingdoms of the world belong to the devil
        1. "And the devil said to Him, 'All this authority I will give You, and their glory; for this has been delivered to me, and I give it to whomever I wish.'" (Luke 4:6)
        2. "god of this age" (2 Corinthians 4:4)
        3. Satan received the title deed by the fall of man
      2. Jesus takes the deed back; He purchased it by His blood (See Revelation 5)
      3. Questioning God's Promise
        1. "Ask of Me, and I will give You The nations for Your inheritance, And the ends of the earth for Your possession." (Psalm 2:8)
        2. Jesus will reign, but first He must suffer
      4. The hardest temptation: "You don't need to do this the hard way, I'll give you the world, just worship me for a moment."
      5. An exceedingly high mountain
        1. Probably not the Mt. of Temptation
        2. Mount Nebo is higher
        3. Likely a spiritual vision, not a physical mountain
    2. Jesus "Away with you Satan!"
      1. The devil left "until an opportune time" (See Luke 4:13)
      2. The devil will be back
  6. The beginning of Jesus' public ministry
    1. John had been put in prison
      1. John denounced Herod Antipas for his adulterous relationship with Herodias and was locked in prison
      2. John's arrest signaled that Jesus' public ministry was to begin
        1. The ministry of the forerunner was over
        2. "He must increase, but I must decrease." (John 3:30)
    2. Capernaum
      1. Peter, Andrew, James, John, and Matthew lived and worked there
      2. On the shore of the Sea of Galilee
      3. Fulfills prophecy: Galilee of the Gentiles
        1. Γαλιλαία τῶν ἐθνῶν; galilaia tōn ethnōn; Galilee of the nations: Prefigures that Jesus came for all the world, not the Jews only
        2. Region and shadow of death
          1. Galilee saw more wars
          2. Mixed marriages
      4. Jesus' headquarters in an area darkened by worldly influence
        1. Outcasts
        2. Accents: "Surely you are one of them; for you are a Galilean, and your speech shows it." (Mark 14:70)
        3. Jesus still wants to put His headquarters in the hearts of outcasts
    3. "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand."
      1. Same message as John the Baptist preached
      2. "Kingdom of Heaven" appears 32 times in Matthew
    4. The call of four disciples
    5. Jesus fame is growing: People walked a hundred miles to see Him

Greek Terms: Γαλιλαία τῶν ἐθνῶν; galilaia tōn ethnōn; Galilee of the nationsFigures Referenced: Isaac Newton, Charles Finney, J.C. RylePublications Referenced: The Screwtape Letters, by C.S. LewisCross References: Genesis 3:1; Genesis 3:15; Deuteronomy 8:3; 1 Kings 18; Psalm 2:8; Ezekiel 5:5; Malachi 3:1; Matthew 3:1; Matthew 3:7-9; Matthew 3:13-15; Matthew 3:17; Matthew 17; Mark 14:70; Luke 4:6; Luke 4:13; John 3:30; 2 Corinthians 2:11; 2 Corinthians 4:4; 1 Peter 5:8; 1 John 4:4; Revelation 5


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Let's pray.  Lord, we do consider the reading, the explanation of and the understanding of scripture to be part of our worship.  It shows that not only are we interested in telling You some things when we sing or when we pray but hearing some things from You that we love You enough to listen as Your word is being proclaimed because we see it and we believe to be Your voice for us today.  Lord, as limited and as imperfect and as flawed as this instrument, this teaching instrument is tonight, we pray that Your Holy Spirit would override and be able to speak truth into our lives and into our hearts.  I thank You for a church that is solidly built upon the exposition of and the continuance in the scripture.  And I pray Lord, that as You are a "Rewarder" of those who diligently seek You, would You lavishly reward those who have sought and studied and in advance, in Jesus' name, Amen.

Please have a seat.  I will say right upfront that speaking about the Devil is not my favorite subject.  It's my least favorite subject.  I'd rather not have to tell you about him but we all have to deal with him.  Jesus even had to deal with him and since the Bible says we're not ignorant of his devices, it's sometimes good to be refreshed on his devices so as to not be ignorant of his devices.  We're not ignorant but sometimes we just sort of forget and we go, "Oh yeah, that's right.  He does do that kind of weird stuff doesn't he?"

I had a brush with the dark side with Satan before I was saved really not knowing what it was all about but inviting spirits to inhabit my body, inviting spirits to speak to me and to speak through me and I just thought it was cool.  I just thought, I'm a kid, I'm experimental, I'm interested in the spiritual realm and I found it to be very, very, powerful.  But, I remembered that evening when I had a thought, I thought if there's this much power on the wrong side, how much power must there be on the right side?  And that's what got me interested in searching out and being open to the right side, God's side.

Now, we have a dynamic that is happening in chapter 4.  Actually it began in chapter 3 and continues in chapter 4.  So, it's good we're going through the Bible like this.  It helps us really understand it.  Here's the dynamic, in chapter 3 Jesus came to the Jordan River where John the Baptizer hosted his ministry to the people who would come from Jerusalem, Judea and the surrounding region, and his message was simple, "Repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand." those were his words.  When people would come to him, he would baptize them for the remission ascends he said.

When the Scribes and the Pharisees came, John the Baptist message turned a little bit because he doubted their motives.  He thought, "They're really not here to be baptized, they're here to just scope it out, check it out, see if it's going to create any problems with the establishment in Jerusalem."  So, John's sermon to them was a little more unique he said, "Brood of slimy snakes who has warned you to flee from the wrath that is to come?"  And don't you start thinking within yourself that just because we're Abraham's descendants we're off the hook because God can raise up out off these rocks sons of Abraham.  So, he created a little bit of friction     with that group.

But, one day to his surprise, Jesus came down to the Jordan River and he walked into the waters to be baptized and John like did a double take.  He like blew a fuse, it didn't compute.  He thought, "Wait, I should be baptized by you."  "You certainly don't need to be baptized by me."  Jesus said, "John, I want you to let this one go.  I want you to permit this to be so for now to fulfill all righteousness."  So Jesus was baptized to identify with sinful people that's why he had come to identify with us, take our sins and that baptism was a pre-figure of that.

Now it says, when Jesus was baptized that the heavens were opened, the heavens were opened.  It was an action from God to show, to prove God's favor on this moment.  The Holy Spirit that lighted upon Jesus like a dove, the Father, Son and the Spirit, the Trinity were involved.  And the Father said, "This is my beloved Son, I'm well pleased with Him."  That was chapter 3.  The heavens were opened in chapter 3.  Now, we're in chapter 4.  We find a different dynamic.  As the heavens were opened in chapter 3, now hell is opened in chapter 4.  The doors of heaven are opened one minute.  The doors of hell are opened the next minute.

Now, I just want you to realize that cogitate with me upon that thought for just a moment because there's a principle there.  It's actually a principle you learned as a kid.  It's true in the physical realm as well as the spiritual realm.  Your teachers taught it to you, it comes from Isaac Newton who actually coined the phrase, "When I say it, I know you're going to be able to finish it."  Every action brings an equal and opposite reaction.  See, I knew that you knew it, we all know it.  It's a fact of life.  It's a fact of life physically.  It's also a fact of life spiritually.  Every action of God brings a reaction from Gods' enemy.  Every action in heaven brings a reaction in hell.  So as heaven was opened, now hell is opened.

You could illustrate this principle.  Actually, you could illustrate it tonight.  If you go home and your porch light is not on, go turn it on and then go back in 10 minutes and see if there's any difference.  This is what you'll notice, as soon as you turn it on you'll just see a light but leave it shining in the darkness to permeate the darkness and bring light and after a while, bugs will surround that light.  And some of them are nasty, gnarly looking bugs.  In some parts of the country, they could carry your kids away.

When God turns his light on, the bugs come to surround the light.  When that powerful force to permeate the darkness is unleashed, released, Satan and his minions and his demons will react and that's the principle, that's the principle in your life.  The more business you do with God, the more business you will do with the Devil.  It's a fact of life.  Don't let that scare you.  It's just a fact of life.  Nothing promotes the activity of the Devil more, than your proximity to God.  The closer you get to God I'm going to seek the Lord.  I want to live close to God.  Don't think that Satan is going to give you a standing ovation with that one.  Don't think that the minions of hell are going to go, "Yes, let's cheer that commitment on."  They're going to go, "Oh really?"

Well, let's see what we can do about that and I commend you if you've never read "C.S. Lewis' great book: The Screwtape Letters".  He gives tremendous insights into how the Devil thinks and how he strategizes and plans the attack against us.  In fact, C.S. Lewis said, "I almost couldn't finish writing this book to constantly place myself in the position as being the Devil and to think like he thinks so malevolently for a long period of time as to undo God's work was very difficult."  He said for him.  So every action, brings an equal and opposite reaction.

There's a mistake that many people make regarding the Devil.  Actually, there's several mistakes but there's two of them that stand out.  One mistake I find among Christians who make too much of the Devil and they see him everywhere and everything and it's always almost like they're either go crazy loving to cast you know it's like, "Where's the Devil?  Let me have them."

Almost a fascination with evil that is unhealthy.  The other is to deny his existence altogether.  That's the other mistake.  That's the polar opposite idea.  It's a mistake to dismiss the work of the Devil and not believe that he's a literal being.  It's a mistake a lot of people make.  "Oh you know, it's just a figment of one's imagination.  It's a figure of speech.  He's not a literal person."

Now that's exactly what the Devil wants you to believe because you see there's no enemy as powerful as one you don't believe exists.  If you're fighting a battle and you can't see where the enemy is and you're out thrown in the battlefield and there's a real enemy.  He's got his guns pointed at you and your camp if your answer going, "But, I don't see the enemy." He probably didn't even exist and you just start walking out in the open field, you're dead meat.

So, it's a mistake to not believe in the existence of the Devil.  Charles Finney who was a revivalist and an evangelist in our country years ago in the Eastern seaboard, he was having a conversation with the man and the man said to Finney, "I don't believe in the existence of any Devil." and Finney smiled and said, "You do battle with him for a while and you will."  He knew from first hand experience what it was like as did Martin Luther who is reported to have thrown an inkwell at the Devil when he appeared to him at the castle in Wartburg, Germany.

Finney knew what that was like.  Peter put it this way.  "Be sober, be vigilant because your adversary the Devil walks around like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour" and if you're not watching and vigilant, you can get eaten up.  So, heaven is opened and now in Chapter 4 we are going to see how hell is opened.

Now, let me just frame something for you and here's what's it's good about the fact that we have been in two Old Testament Books: Genesis and Exodus and now Matthew.  Because, we're a little more fresh off of the Genesis bandwagon.  I mean okay, it's been a while but I don't know if this is a year or two but still it's not 10 years removed.  You may remember something and when you remember you go, "Oh that makes sense." and because here's what I want to say, "This shouldn't surprise us.  This whole temptation thing, this whole Satan coming at Jesus shouldn't surprise us.  In fact, we should have been anticipating it all along."

Because, there was a promise made back in Genesis 3 where God said to the Devil in the Garden of Eden, he said, "I will put enmity between you, Satan and the woman, between your seed and her seed.  He will bruise or crush your head and you will bruise his heel".  So, there was a prediction made early on that in the human lineage born of a woman will be one who will come to destroy the work of Satan, to crush his head, to take away his powerful authority.  It was the first Messianic prophesy ever spoken.  So, we're not surprised when that seed Jesus is eventually born to see the kind of animosity against Him like with Herod killing all the babies around Bethlehem or as soon as Jesus begins his public ministry which is here for Satan to come at Him.

This is that seed.  This is that wand.  Here he is.  So, we're not surprised, we anticipated it.  Then Verse 1, "Jesus was led up by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the Devil."  I'll stop right there.  The Spirit is clearly in control.  The Holy Spirit that is alighted upon Jesus, His whole life is spirit-led.  He is not driven, He is led by the Spirit.  And the Spirit in control brings Him to a place where he must face his opponent but notice when Satan comes at Him, notice and there's three temptations by the way we're going to cover.

Notice when the attack comes.  First of all, after Jesus is baptized.  What a glorious moment.  God speaks from Heaven.  Wow!  The Holy Spirit shows up in symbolic form.  Wow, the heavens are opened, wow!

Miraculous, glorious and then after such a wonderful, glorious, blessed event, the Devil shows up.  Now, just remember that.  Why does he show up after such an event?  Because, he wants to seal the blessing God gave that's why.  We're not ignorant of his devices so don't be ignorant when you receive a tremendous blessing just wait, wait for it, wait for it and don't be surprised if the enemy, the Devil isn't there to hijack the blessing.

The children of Israel were miraculously delivered out of Egypt and brought into the wilderness to the Red Sea and great right there after that miraculous deliverance after the night of the Firstborn Judgment upon Egypt and there they are.  They start to be cared for by God in the bosom of his care which was the wilderness.  As they get to the Red Sea, then the pharaoh dispatches his army to destroy them right after that wonderful blessing of deliverance.  "Here we go, God's in charge!"  Then the enemy comes from behind to it attack and destroy, to steal the blessing.

Here's another example, King Hezekiah of Judah decides, "Let's get spiritual man, let's get right with God, let's reinstitute the Passover, let's dig our roots deep into the spiritual truth and get into the reading of the word of God and let's celebrate the Passover that hasn't been celebrated at hundreds of years in our land."  It was a tremendous spiritual revival and a tremendous spiritual blessing.  As soon as they celebrate their Passover it was then that the Assyrian army has surrounded Jerusalem and threatened to destroy Judah.  After the blessing, stating there to rip it off and of course he prayed and Isaiah said, "Man, don't sweat the small stuff.  God will take care of them".  But, the threat was there nonetheless.

When Jesus takes his three boys, Peter, James and John upon a high mountain and he is transfigured before them.  You know that story?  Matthew Chapter 17 beautiful story, we'll get to it, by God's grace.  And they saw the miracle of the glowing, shining, transfigured Jesus with the head of the law Moses, the most prominent prophet Elijah and they are check in this out going, "Man, I think they're going it haven't getting even better than this.".  Right?  That's what they are looking at each other saying, "Peter, it didn't getting better than this, does it?"  "No, man, it's awesome!  Hold on I got to say something."  Right you'd be interrupts it.  You know how that goes.

Well, as wonderful as that was, what was waiting for them when they got down the mountain?  A demon possessed kid that they couldn't deal with.  And actually disciple, they couldn't handle this.  So, the threat to the blessing, so God seeks to bless, Satan is a thief, he seeks to rob the blessings, steal, kill, destroy.

They said, J.C. Ryle of Liverpool used to say, "The Devil is never more active than in a church."  It's an interesting statement and you that have been believers for a long time you go "Yeah, yup".  You come and God meets you and He unlocks truth and you get blessed and then church is over.  You get in your car still on a high, "Oh Lord, you spoke to my heart.  You're dealing my life.  I love it" and then you get on the road.  And you're going to pull up to Starbucks on the way home and somebody go away too fast passes you by squeeze you right and pulls right in front of you and gets the space that you should've had.  And now your joy is gone.  It's shut.  All the victory, all the joy just because some selfish--

We know that kind of stuff happens.  Now, I will say again, that's just the spiritual principle.  It's a fact just like after the baptism, after the blessing comes the thief still you don't have to be afraid of Him, your enemy.  You're dealing with the defeated enemy.  You're fighting not for victory, you're fighting from victory.  You have the victory in Christ and greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world.

So, rather than you trying to just embolden yourself, "I'm going to fight the Devil."  Why don't you just have Jesus do it?  When Satan knocks on the door just say, "Jesus, would you answer that?"  He's a lot better at it than you are.  He's defeated him as we'll see here.  So, He's after the baptism.  The Spirit led Jesus into the wilderness to be tempted by the Devil.

You've heard about Murphy's Law, right?  You know how that goes?  Anything that can go wrong will go wrong.  There's also Lucifer's Law.  Anything that the Devil can ruin, he will ruin.  So, he's trying to ruin something, he's not going to succeed.  It says verse 2, "And when He had fasted 40 days and 40 nights, afterward He was hungry."  Stop right there.  I know we're going slowly but we've got until the Lord comes back.  Because, once we finish the book all the way to Revelation, we're going to do it again.  So, we might as well just really enjoy it as we can.  We dig the Bible from 30,000 feet and we went really fast and now we can dig our roots down.

I asked you a question and then we answered the part of where, "When did Satan attack Jesus?  Number one, after the blessing, after the baptism, number two, he attacked Him when He was the weakest.  He had fasted 40 days and 40 nights and then the Bible says, "And He was hungry."  Let me first tell you a little bit about fasting and then let me tell you a little bit about this forty days thing.  You've read about, if you've read your Bible or you've heard Christians talk about fasting.

Let me tell you what it's not, first of all.  It's not a sanctified diet.  It's not a spiritual way to lose weight.  Oh, that sounds fast I'll try the Bible diet, includes a little bit of fasting and that will be chic and cool and I can wear that size.  That's not what it's about.  It's not a sanctified diet nor is fasting a way to manipulate God to get what you want.  And I've been praying for this thing and I haven't got it.  So, now I'm going to fast and that'll really twist God's arm just a little more and I'll get what I want.  No, it's not.

Fasting is a means by which you deny your body, you deny your flesh whatever it is you're denying it, food in this case so that here's the second part, so that you can focus upon spiritual things.  And we don't have time to look it up but just on your own, go and read through Isaiah Chapter 58 and glean those principles about Godly fasting and that will help as to what it was about, what it was for.  Okay, so Jesus has been fasting 40 days and 40 nights, so did Moses.  When he went up to receive the Law on Mt. Sinai, we read it in our last book.  He fasted 40 days and 40 nights.  So, did Elijah.

Interesting how Jesus, Moses and Elijah share many things together, Elijah, the greatest of the Old Testament prophets, after that contest on Mt. Carmel, in 1 King Chapter 18 with Jezebel and King Ahab her husband.  He high tails it down toward Mt. Sinai where Moses received the Law and there on Mt. Horeb, just one of those little mountains next to Mt. Sinai for 40 days and 40 nights, Elijah fasted.

I have read that when a person begins to fast for a prolonged period of time, at first you're very hungry.  It's very difficult to fast.  Having done it a few times or if you've done it, you know what it's like.  You know you do it, it's like for the first day it's like it's a killer.  The second day it's like intolerable.  But, I'm told, though I've never made it this far but I'm told that if you keep fasting and withhold food from your body for a prolonged period of time, you eventually get to a place where you're not hungry at all and you can deal with it.

Your stomach is shrunk.  Your body's feeding off of itself essentially.  But, you don't have that deep-seeded hunger like you did first.  But, when the hunger re-emerges like it did here with Jesus, it's an indication that you're at starvation level that you're literally starving to death.  Jesus was starving to death after 40 days and 40 nights.  Now, it says He's hungry.  The hunger is re-emerged.  He's starving to death.

When does Satan attack Him?  Not just after the blessing but when He is most vulnerable, when He is at His weakest level physically.  Now, I've learned something about the Devil and about temptation and about attack.  When you're weak and vulnerable physically, you're often weak and vulnerable emotionally and spiritually.  They seem to be so tied together.  It's difficult to separate them and that's why a person who is dealing with some physical issues can be prone to depression.  Elijah was.  He fasted 40 days and 40 nights.  He was depressed.  He wanted to kill himself.  He went from the spiritual high to the spiritual low.

When we are most vulnerable and at our weakest point, see Satan has studied human nature for thousands of years.  He knows what makes people tick.  And when we are most vulnerable, He knows that we'll do almost anything to get relief in that vulnerability.  So, Jesus is now starving to death and Satan comes to Him, gives three temptations or something else.  Jesus fasting, no doubt accompanied with praying, He's seeking to get alone with His Father and Satan comes to Him, "Blessed by God in a vulnerable state, seeking to be alone with His Father."

Have you noticed when you have your quiet time or you try to?  The phone may not have rung in your house for 2 days, suddenly ring and then you get it.  You just got to deal with it and then put it down five minutes later it rings again.  You're thinking, "Why?  Why is it when I have my quiet time that I get all of these distractions or my mind goes crazy and is flooded with all of those distracting thoughts?  Why is it?"  Simple, Satan hates quiet time, hates when you're alone with God.  He knows that that's the secret of your strength, they're tapping into it.  That's why.

So, Jesus is along with His Father.  He had fasted 40 days and 40 nights and afterwards He was hungry.  Now, when the tempter came to Him and I mentioned there are three temptations.  Here's the first one, the Devil questions God's provision.  It's a questioning of God's provision for Jesus, notice the tempter said to Him, "If you are the Son of God, command that these stones become bread."  Now, your translation in mind says "If" right?  You may have another translation that's more accurate and it would be best translated as some translate it, I think DNSAP but I'm not sure it says, "Since, you are the Son of God."  That's a more accurate translation.

Since, see it's not a supposition, it's an affirmation.  The Weiss translation puts it this way, "In view of the fact that you are God's Son.  I know that you are the Son of God.  I'm not disputing that and since you are", he says "Command that these stones become bread."  He is suggesting that the Father is allowing His Son to starve.  "Boy, your Father doesn't take great care of you, doesn't really provide for you, does he?"  It's a slam on the love of God and a temptation for Jesus to do for Himself what God the Father has obviously not done.  He hasn't taken good care of you.  You're out here in the desert, no provision; the Spirit led you out here for what?  Now, you're starving to death.  It's a slam on the love of God and it's a questioning of the provision of God.

You've seen this before.  In the Garden of Eden, when Adam and Eve were first hanging around and there was the tree in the midst of the garden, the Devil came in Genesis Chapter 3 and said, "Has God said to you, you shall not eat of the trees of the garden?"  Do you see that question?  "Has God denied His love to you?  Look at, here you are in the garden and God told you, "Don't eat anything."  So, Eve starts having a conversation with the Devil, never a good thing to do because well, he didn't really say that.  He just said you can't have that one tree in the midst of the garden.  Hands off of that one but the rest we can freely eat.  God said we can't eat that one because if we do that, it's wrong and it's a sin.  "We're going to surely die." she said.  That's what God said.  "We're going to die."  The Devil immediately just said, "You won't die.  You won't surely die."

God knows that in the day that you lead therefore, your eyes will be open and you'll be wise like He is."  So again same, question the provision of God, the love of God for His children and providing for them.

So what was for that?  Abraham and Sarah, they wanted to have a child.  God said, "Don't worry you'll have child."  Abraham said, "I believe you God."  Years went by he's getting older.  She's getting older.  "Don't worry you're going to have a child."  "I believe you God" and she's going, "I'm not so sure."   I mean they're getting really, really old like even older than I am.  One day Sarah said, "Sweetie, that's a nice little thing that God said that we're going to have a kid."  It's just a wonderful thought but it ain't going to happen.  Look at us, have you looked at yourself lately Abe?  Have you looked at me lately?  I have this young girl named Hagar, just do for yourself what God has not done for you."  Same temptation, doubting the provision, doubting the love of God take Hagar and they had Ishmael and there's been problems ever since over in the Middle East.  So doubting the provision of God, verse 4, but He answered and said, "It is written, men shall not live by bread alone." according to Deuteronomy, "But by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God."

Notice that Jesus quotes scripture in this first temptation.  And the Devil verse 5, "Took Him at a holy place and set him on the pinnacle of the temple." and said to him, "If you are the Son of God or since you are in view of that fact that you are the Son of God, throw yourself down for it is written."

Notice now the Devil says, "Oh!  I can quote scripture too."  He would give his angels charge over you and quotes another "In their hands they will bear you up lest you and dash your foot against a stone."

According to the Jews the center of the world is Jerusalem.  You know why that is?  First of all there's a scripture verse that essentially says that, Ezekiel Chapter 5:5, God says, "See I have set Jerusalem in the midst of all the nations round about her."  Right in the middle it's the center of it.  That's why Jerusalem is often called the navel of the earth and because of that verse, other verses in Jewish literature like the Talmud were written, the Rabbi's used to say, "Israel is the center of the world, Jerusalem is the center of the land of Israel, and the temple is the center of the city of Jerusalem."  So if you're at the temple you're in the very epicenter of the earth.

So, because of that Satan took Jesus to the center of the earth where the Messiah is supposed to come.  The Messiah is going to come to Jerusalem.  Now there was a belief by the Rabbi's that when the Messiah comes to redeem Israel, he's going to appear on the roof of the holy place of the temple.  You know why they believe that?  Because there's a verse in Malachi chapter 3, we quoted the last week about the messenger, the forerunner but it says, "The Lord will suddenly come to his temple, appear at his temple."  And the Rabbi's said, "When he comes to his temple after the forerunner, he's going to appear on the roof so everybody can see him."

So he's taken to the very center of the earth, theologically.  And the Devil says "Since you are the Son of God, throw your self down for it is written."  Now, throw yourself down, you know how far down is the pinnacle of the temple is believed to be that little corner of the building of the porch of Solomon which sat at top the Temple mount, it's just on the Southeast corner facing the Mount of Olives.  Some of you have been to Israel and you know what is like when you stand the Mount of Olives and you look across and you see the Temple Mount and you see the a little corner jetting out at you?  And you have to imagine you're seeing the base of it, you have to imagine that on top of that was a huge building called the porch of Solomon and the roof of that porch of Solomon from that point on down to the bottom of the Kidron Valley is 450 feet.

Now you're looking out the pinnacle of this building is 30 feet, 450 feet.  So, now Satan in the second temptation is questioning God's protection.  "Hey!  I can quote the Bible too Jesus and there's Bible verses that say, "If you jump, God will protect you."  You won't even stub your toe.  So, prove it, that God your Father is going to protect you."

Now he's questioning not God's provision but God's protection.  Prove it, jump.  Let's see if that scripture verse is really true, let's see if God will protect you.  Jesus said to him verse 7, "It is written again, you shall not tempt the Lord your God."  Now it has been noted that Satan quotes the Bible.  Jesus quoted it first, the Devil quoted it second.  Just a little heads up on that.  When the cultist comes to your door and knocks and smiles, whether he bicycles or he walks, and he tries to sell you a false Gospel and tell you that Jesus is not what the Bible says He is and they start quoting scripture to you and you go "Wow, man that's powerful, they really know their Bibles, it must be right because they quoted the scripture."  Just remember you're not ignorant of His devices.

Keep in mind that the Devil knows the Bible better than any of us, he knows it better than I do, right?  He's been around a long time.  He studied every passage of it.  He has been theologically trained in the best seminary in the universe, in heaven.  He was the worship leader in heaven, the Bible tells us.  So he knows God's ways, He knows how men acts and He knows the Bible.  So he pulls out very astutely, very shrewdly, a couple of verses of scriptures and quotes them.  Jesus immediately comes back with, "It is written again..." in other words those scripture versus may be true and they are true.  But I don't need to prove that they're true anymore than you say, "Well, you know if God's going to protect me I'm going to go and layout in the freeway."  Yeah okay.

Well you know God's protect me I help protect you by taking you to heaven maybe through that episode.  Now the third temptation begins in verse 8.  "Again the Devil took him up on an exceedingly high mountain and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory and he said to Him, "All these things I will give you if you will fall down and worship me."  The two other synoptic Gospels being Mark and Luke add a little bit of extra to that, they're just left out here for the purposes of Matthew's focus in writing.

One of them says, where the Devil says, "All of these kingdoms I will give you for they are mine and I can give them to whom so ever I will."  He acknowledged, that's a very bold statement, very powerful statement.  He acknowledged that He was the God of this world that back in that garden, Satan was given the title deed of the earth by the fall of Adam and Eve and essentially the world that was meant to be inhabited by godly people was given over the domain of Satan's so that he became the god of this world by default.

And that's why in Revelation 5, Jesus the lamb, takes the title deed back having shed His blood for the earth.  He buys it back, He takes back the title deed of the earth in a real, real estate transaction.  We just don't have time to go through to it.  But here's Satan making a very bold statement showing him all the kingdoms of the world saying, "All of these things I will give you if you will fall down and worship me."  And Jesus said to Him, "Away with you, Satan for it is written you shall worship the Lord your God and Him only shall you serve."

This third temptation is I believe was the hardest of all for Jesus.  Now, Satan is questioning the promise of God.  You see, there were promises and one of them that comes to mind is in Psalm 2, where God promised His son the Messiah all the kingdoms of this world.  Ask of me, it says, "And I will give you the nations for your inheritance and the kingdoms of the earth to you."  Asked me, they're yours.  You will rule them with the wrought of iron.  It's a beautiful Messianic Psalm.

But Jesus, the son knew why he had come to the earth that he will rule and reign one day in the Messianic Kingdom in the kingdom age and the millennial kingdom, but first he has come to die on the cross.  And that he must act that part of the suffering servant before he becomes the glorious Lord reigning in glory.  Yes, he has to come to purchase salvation and one day all the kingdoms of the earth will be given to him.  But he knows that first of all there must be suffering.  First of all there must be a cross.  There's a period of pain before I get the glory and the blessing.

That's why this temptation I say was the hardest of all of them because Satan in effect is saying, "You know I know there's those promises but how do we know there's promises are ever going to be fulfilled?  Tell you what, Jesus I know why you've come.  You've come to purchase the world back to God; you don't have to go to the cross.  I'll give it to you right now.  They're yours, you can have them.  You don't have to go the hard way, you don't' have to go the way of the cross, you don't have to suffer.  I'll give him to you.  I just want one thing.  I want you, the Son of God to fall down and worship me just for a moment of satisfaction."

How often does Satan try to get you the question the promises of God?  Yeah I know the Bible says that but God had been taking care of you has He?  Why don't you do for yourself what God has never done for you?  In fact why should you wait for that in patience and endurance?  You can have it now.  You can have prosperity now.  You can -- I'll give it to you now.  No waiting, no suffering.  Jesus said, "Away with you Satan."  You know I was reading an article that's in the Los Angeles times.  I believe there was sometime ago where a group of Satan worshippers were highlighted in an article and one I forget the guys name but he was being interviewed that showed us picture on the cover or on the cover of that section in the paper.  And this is what he said it goes, "I think Satan is a cool dude." And then he went on to explain why he thought Satan was a cool dude.

Now I read this with interest because there was a time I kind of thought Satan was a cool dude.  Then I find out he was loser.  Posing as a cool dude, so he was a poser and a loser but you see same as a cool dude because he goes God doesn't let you do what you want to do.  Satan let's you do whatever you want to do.  So his conclusion is if I get to do what I want to do whoever let's me do what I want to do is a cool dude, that was his thinking.  Good luck trying to live your life that way.

But he was trying to live his life that way.  God restricts me, Satan let's me do what I want.  Sure the titanic is sinking, go play pool for free, have fun, and have all the drinks you want on me captain's great captain of the sinking ship men God of this world going down.  So you want the king into this world they're yours.  Okay just a note, just a note.  It says he was taken to an exceedingly highly mountain.

If you go to Israel today there's a little mountain outside of Jericho in the middle of the desert way down there they called the Mount of Temptation and there's a monastery there and it's a holy place and they said, "That's where Jesus was tempted" of course we don't have photographs.  So we don't know the mountain Jesus was tempted on.  But the fact that it says it was an exceedingly high mountain, sort of rules that one out for me because right across the Jordan River is Mountain Nebo from where Moses could spy out the land and you can see all the way that the Mediterranean, now that's an exceedingly high mountain.

But, because Luke adds this, listen carefully.  Satan took him to a mountain and showed him all of the kingdoms of this world in a moment of time, seems to indicate to me that they're traveling visionarily, not physically.  They're spiritually being able to have this conversation and be shown, be seen all of the kingdoms of this world not like "well there's Jericho and if you follow the road, there's Jerusalem" because they're really there's right you can't see anything except for one city from there.

So I tend to see this as a spiritual vision rather than being transported physically to these places, while they're out there in the desert.  Verse 11, "Since then the Devil left him."  Now the other synoptic Satan left him for a time, he'll be back.  Like the ex governor of California.  He used to say.  "I will be back" so does Satan.  Looks for an opportune time the Bible says, and that's when he'll be back and he'll be back in Jesus' life before it's all over.  It says the angels came and ministered him.

Now we begin in the few minutes we have left, we begin the public ministry of Jesus.  John the Baptist is off the scene he's the forerunner, he's gone, and not the public ministry of Jesus begins.  Something about Matthew, Matthew and his Gospel focuses on some of the long discourses, message determines that Jesus gives and the first will be in Matthew Chapter 5 and 6 and 7 called the Sermon on the Mountain.  I'll tell you why that's not a good title when they're there next time.

But what he does now since he's then they'll go right into the Sermon on the Mount he's going to spend a few verses preparing us for the Sermon on the Mount and giving us a little resume of Jesus Ministry and a summary of Jesus ministry before launching into the Sermon on the Mount. 


Verse 12, "Now when Jesus had heard that John had been put into prison he departed to Galilee."  Why did John get into prison?  Well it's because John was not very politically correct to be honest with you.  There was a guy named Herod Antipas who had a liking for his brother Herod Phillip's wife named Herodias and this guy was married and his brother was married but he likes his wife better than his own wife.  So he kicked out his wife and he stole Herod Philip's wife Herodias away from him and they hooked up.

John the Baptist heard about it and denounced him called them a sinner, so God's going to judge you for that.  Again not very politically correct.  As a favor to Herodias, Herod had him locked into prison.  When Herod had him locked into prison, to Jesus this was a sign.  It's time to go public; my forerunner's ministry is over.  He's going to be in prison till he gets his head chopped off.  So this was the indication that it's time now to launch into public ministry and he does that.

Remember John the Baptist said, when he saw Jesus he said, "He must increase, I must decrease"."  We quoted that, we know it, it's a lovely, and it's a lovely idea.  When John said that, I don't think he knew what that meant.  The way he would decrease is by being arrested, rotting in prison and getting his head chopped off.  God's going to remove him, God's done with them.  God brought him on this earth, filled with the Holy Spirit from his womb to introduce Jesus.

Now you're times up John, you're a young man but your ministry is over.  I'm taking you with me, you're aboard, and I'm taking you to heaven with me man early.  You don't have to wait.  You don't have to wait and get all these diseases and get old, you just come on let's go to heaven.  You're going to decrease here, you'll increase there but it's time for my son to shine.  And so Jesus, the son is now coming up, the sun is shining.  Jesus heard that John had been put into prison, he departed to Galilee and leaving Nazareth which is part of Galilee.  He came to dwell in Capernaum which is by the sea and the regions of Zebulon and Naphtali.

That it might be fulfilled which is spoken of by Isaiah, the prophet saying the Land of Zebulon, the Land of Naphtaliand by the way of the sea beyond the Jordan that Galilee of the Gentiles, the people who sat in darkness have seen a great light and upon those you sat in the region of the shadow of death, the light has dawned.  From that time Jesus begins to preach and to say "repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand."

Capernaum, the town of Peter, it's where Peter lived.  It's where his brother Andrew lived; it's where the Zebedee boys lived, James and John.  It's where Matthew lived, the tax collector.  You can go to Israel today and I can show you the mile marker where the Roman government used to collect taxes in Capernaum for the government.  And it's one of the place that I can find to him and say Matthew stood by that marker because that's where tax collectors stood when Jesus called him and said "Matthew follow me", it was in Capernaum.  So Jesus moves from Nazareth and he goes to Capernaum.  Now, after seeing Nazareth and seeing Capernaum, I get it.

Nazareth is okay, when you see Capernaum on the Sea of Galilee it's like "okay that's a cool place for headquarters right there, right on the shore awesome, beautiful."  The sea of Galilee is one of my favorite places to visit and it's pretty much unchanged, if that's the most amazing thing.  When you go to Israel you're on the Sea of Galilee.  My worst, worst like the big hotels, there's a few of them Tiberias but in that whole Northwestern shore, even worst, if this were America to be like casinos there and like Disneyland built, Disneyland Galilee it's just real rural.

Now notice it's to fulfill a prophecy given by a Isaiah in Chapter 9 and notice what it's called The Galilee of the Gentiles.  Galilaia tōn ethnōn is the Greek word.  Now Ethnon, Ethnos sounds like ethnic right?  Ethnic comes from Ethnos, Ethnon.  It means literally the Galilee of the nations and one of the beautiful things I see here is a pre figuring that Jesus wouldn't just be the Jewish Messiah but then he had come for all the nations.  Come for all the world, that his ministry would have a worldwide scope that he had come to be the savior of the world, all the nations are involved.

And it says the people who sat in darkness have seen a great light.  And upon those who sat on the region and shadow of death the light has dawned.  But you know the Galilee was known by the Jews in Jerusalem as the region of death because that Northern section of Israel, the Galilee region had seen more wars.  Enemies would come in from the North and infiltrate the land and because the Assyrians have come that way, and the Babylonians had come that way, Galilee was more of a mixed multitude, mixed marriages, not the pure bred like down in Jerusalem.

The Galileans, the Jerusalem I'd say were "the hicks", they had the funny accents of the land.  They did.  You could hear in Jerusalem when Peter was speaking after Jesus was arrested and I remember the servant girl of the high priest? he goes, "I can hear by the way you're speaking.  You're one of these disciples aren't you?"  It was his speech that gave away was his Galilean accent.  And they, the down South in Jerusalem didn't take kindly to those Galileans.  It was the place of death; it was the region of death.  It's where the Gentiles influenced the world of the Jews.

Here's what I love.  Jesus sets out his headquarters in the place that was the off scouring, that was the scourge that was the outcast of the land, the place of darkness.  Hey I'm going to set up my headquarters where the people talked funny.  Where all the outcast lives, where the people who are on the periphery and not recognized by the crowd.  To me there's a beautiful message there.  You might be that person you felt like I'm an outcast my whole life.  I've always been pushed to the edged to the periphery.  I'm sort of like not in the inner group, in the light.  I'm sort of in the darkness and the shadows.

It's your heart especially that Jesus wants to put his headquarters.  He wants to do a change in the shadow of darkness in your life, in your heart that he loves that.  He didn't go.  "I'm going to Jerusalem and that's the cool place."  He goes "I take Galilee." 

Nazareth and then Capernaum, from that time Jesus began to preach and notice verse 17 if you were here last week; it's the same exact message as John the Baptist, "repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand."  John the Baptist said that, Jesus said that and here's a side note.  Thirty two times in Matthew that "Phrase kingdom of heaven" will appear.  Some of you are going to, before you text me because I don't have time be answer tonight.  I'm going to say, "What's the difference between the kingdom of heaven and the kingdom of God?"  That's for another study we have one minute left.

Jesus verse 18, "Walking by the Sea of Galilee sought two brothers, Shemon, Simon called Peter and Andrew his brother casting a net into the sea for they were fisherman."  And then he said to them, "Follow me and I will make you fishers of men."

And they immediately left their nets and followed Him going on from there He saw two other brothers James, son of Zebedee and John his brother.  In the boat was Zebedee, their pops.  Mending their nets he called them, immediately they left the boat and they're dad their father and followed him.  And Jesus went all about Galilee teaching in their synagogues, preaching the Gospel of the kingdom and healing all kinds of sicknesses and all kinds of disease among the people.

Then his fame went throughout all Syria and they brought to him all sick people who were afflicted with various diseases and torments and those who were demon possessed, epileptics, paralytics, and he healed them.  Great multitudes followed him from Galilee, from the Decapolis, from Jerusalem, from Judea and from beyond the Jordan.  I want to finish the chapter, we'll go back and make comment more on the next week before we get into the Sermon on the Mount.

But that last verse draws a hundred mile perimeter, Jesus fame is growing throughout the Northern regions of Syria and all around.  So get these, people would -- they didn't have cars, they didn't have tour buses, they didn't have trains they would walk.  And his fame caused people to walk, for some of them, a hundred miles to see Jesus.

Think about that next time you're all bummed out that you have to drive to church such a long distance couldn't resist getting that one in.  But I don't want to end on this note.  The place of the rejects, the region of darkness, the Galilee of the nations those who weren't of us, the pure breaded people of God that's where Jesus sets up his headquarters.  He'd loved to change your life.  He'd love to deliver you from darkness.  It might be the darkness of the occult, it might be the darkness of an addiction, and it might be the darkness of your religion.  Darkness is darkness.  If you don't know Jesus, you're in darkness; he'd love to set up shop, setup HQ headquarters in your heart by redemption.  If you'd love him, let's pray.

Father we thank you for the last hour and a half of being tighter in song, in commissioning people overseas and then having a meal in your word.  Lord, as I'm praying for this, I'm thinking of a couple who is presently in China who wrote to me this week remarking on the fact that they were so blessed to be able to tune in on the computer and catch the services live the mid week and the weekend.  We thank you Father that all over the world you have your people and you have your plan.  Just like Jesus foreshadowed that when He went to the Galilee of the nations, the Gentiles, the region of darkness, the outcast, the funny talkers, the people on the edge, the people that nobody really wanted to associate with and He loved to set up shop and lives just like that.  You have chosen the foolish things of this world Paul says.

Lord I pray for anyone who might feel that they've just, they've lived that kind of a life, they've been sort of outcast or they've lived in darkness and it could be the darkness of any of those things that we have just mentioned that they want to come in to the light tonight, I pray that you rescued them.

We're praying right now and we're asking God to do works in lives even beyond just feeding us his word, maybe a work of salvation maybe you're here tonight and you've never given your life to Jesus or you've walked away from him and you're not living in obedience to him or you grew up in a church and you've been religiously involved but you've never made a personal decisive commitment to Christ.  If any of those things described and you're willing to give your life to Jesus, to come home to him tonight, I want you to raise your hand up in the air.

As we're praying right now just say, "Here's my hand" just raise it up so I can see it God Bless you ma'am and here in the middle, anyone else?  Raise that hand up in the back on my left side, up front on the left way in the back in the corner, way in the back on my right side way in the back row and in the back again.

Father we're so grateful and we pray as these come into a relationship with you, even as Jesus said to those disciples, "Follow Me" and they left everything immediately and they followed him I pray that would be the case here tonight in Jesus name.  Amen.

Would you stand up as we sing this final song I saw lots of hands go up?  I want you to quickly find a nearest aisle and walk the aisle right upfront.  I'm going to lead you in a prayer right now to receive Christ as your Lord and savior.  You made that decision to raise your hands, good on you.  Now make the decision to follow that with your feet and come stand right up here as we sing.  Bless you.

Isn't that just so awesome to see I love it.  Surrender.  Abandonment to God I'd love the opportunity now to lead those of you who have walked forward in a prayer.  I'm going to pray out loud and I'm going to ask you to pray out loud after me from your heart say these words to God.  Okay ready?  Say it out loud.  Let's pray.

Lord I give you my life.  I know I'm a sinner, please forgive me.  I believe in Jesus that he died on the cross, that he shed his blood for me and that he rose from the dead.  I turned from my sin; I turned to you as my savior.  I want to live for you as my Lord.  Help me.  Fill me with your spirit in Jesus Name.  Amen.  Thank you Lord.  Congratulations.  Congratulations every one of you.

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Matthew 28
Matthew 28
Skip Heitzig
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Jesus' resurrection: great news for His disciples—troubling news to his enemies. As the chief priests grappled with a cover up, the disciples met with the risen Lord and were commissioned to "Go and make disciples of all the nations." As we consider our text, we discover the good news for ourselves: Jesus is not dead—He's alive and has all authority in heaven and earth.
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Matthew 27:50-66
Matthew 27:50-66
Skip Heitzig
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As He hung on the cross, betrayed by his friends and separated from His Father, Jesus declared "It is finished!" Victorious, not defeated—He completed the work the Father gave Him to do. In that dark hour, the grave gave up some of her dead, the earth quaked, and in the temple, the curtain that separated men from God was torn from top to bottom. As we study this text, let's consider the price Jesus paid to redeem us and the personal, intimate fellowship with God now available.
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Matthew 27:1-50
Matthew 27:1-50
Skip Heitzig
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In this message, we see the ultimate demonstration of God's love—the cross. Jesus, the King of the Jews, was betrayed, falsely accused, illegally tried, scourged, and ultimately crucified. As we consider the details of His crucifixion and death, how could we be anything except amazed and humbled?
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Matthew 26:31-75
Matthew 26:31-75
Skip Heitzig
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Following the Last Supper, Jesus entered the Garden of Gethsemane and willingly surrendered Himself to the will of the Father: Jesus was crushed for our sin, abandoned to the Cross, so that we might have fellowship with Him. As we study Matthew 26, we consider the spiritual battle before us, the choices we make, and the ultimate victory that is ours through Jesus Christ.
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Matthew 26:1-30
Matthew 26:1-30
Skip Heitzig
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As Jesus gathered with His disciples to observe the Passover one last time, He brought fresh meaning to a festival which had been celebrated for thousands of years. Rather than a memorial to their physical deliverance from bondage in Egypt, the meal represents His broken body and shed blood—and spiritual deliverance from sin for those who believe.
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Matthew 24:31-25:46
Matthew 24:31-25:46
Skip Heitzig
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In this section of the Olivet Discourse, we consider Jesus' Warning Parables. As we examine the text, let's remember that while the church escapes judgment, many are left to suffer the Great Tribulation. We must be righteous, be ready, and be responsible.
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Matthew 24:1-30
Matthew 24:1-30
Skip Heitzig
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In this passage—the Olivet Discourse— Jesus provides a summary of end time events: the future of the world. We look forward to the Rapture and the Second Coming of Jesus, but those found outside of Christ face unparalleled suffering and judgment. Let's contemplate the wrath of God that's in store for this world—and share the hope of the gospel with those who don't yet know Him.
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Matthew 22:23-23:39
Matthew 22:23-23:39
Skip Heitzig
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In dealing with the Pharisees and Sadducees, Jesus speaks wisely, uncompromisingly, and with the authority of heaven—His Words shoot straight to the heart. Though many try to fit Jesus into their pre-conceived mold—to accept Him and His Words only as far as they are comfortable—we learn here danger of that the perilous position.
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Matthew 21:33-22:22
Matthew 21:33-22:22
Skip Heitzig
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Jesus taught with complete authority, denouncing the misconceptions of the religious leaders of the day. With skill and precision, Jesus uses parables and their own words to silence their challenges and expose their motives. Let's consider His words, heed His warnings, and remember that He alone is righteous and worthy of praise.
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Matthew 21:1-32
Matthew 21:1-32
Skip Heitzig
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In this intriguing passage, Jesus enters Jerusalem in a precise fulfillment of prophecy. It's an exciting study, where those who know they need forgiveness find refreshment and hope—and those who rely on their own righteousness receive a stern rebuke.
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Matthew 20
Matthew 20
Skip Heitzig
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As followers of Christ, what awaits us in eternity? In this study, we consider not only our eternal home but also our eternal reward. Saved by grace through faith, we must see beyond the circumstances and status of this world, and look toward our future glory.
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Matthew 19
Matthew 19
Skip Heitzig
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In the U.S., the lifestyle of Christians often mirrors that of unbelievers--divorce, self-indulgence, misaligned priorities. Using God's Word to teach lessons about divorce and eternal life, Jesus exhorts his followers to enter the kingdom of heaven--to live in wholehearted faith and obedience to the Him. Let's consider what Scripture says about godly living and the reward Jesus promises to His faithful followers.
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Matthew 18
Matthew 18
Skip Heitzig
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How should sin be dealt with? As we examine Matthew 18, we learn not only to deal radically with sin in our own lives, but also the steps toward reconciliation with a sinning brother.
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Matthew 16:21-17:27
Matthew 16:21-17:27
Skip Heitzig
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Jesus calls His followers to deny themselves, take up their cross, and follow Him. From this passage, we gain a clearer understanding of what it means to exalt Him as King in our lives and also get a preview of His future glory, when He will reign over all the earth.
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Matthew 16:1-20
Matthew 16:1-20
Skip Heitzig
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Through stern rebuke, gentle prodding, and powerful teaching, Jesus instructs those around Him about who He is and how we can know and serve Him. Matthew 16 records several lessons in faith - warnings and wisdom which encourage us in our own spiritual journey.
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Matthew 15
Matthew 15
Skip Heitzig
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God is less concerned with the outward appearance than He is with the inward attitude. In this passage, Jesus boldly proclaims truth in a confrontation with the Pharisees, warning his followers to avoid hypocrisy. We also witness His tender response to the persistent faith of a Gentile woman, and His mercy for the multitudes. As we study Matthew 15, let's consider our own approach to Him: Do we recognize that we cannot live without Him?
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Matthew 13:53-14:36
Matthew 13:53-14:36
Skip Heitzig
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In this passage from the gospel of Matthew, we see powerful examples of the results of both faith and the lack of it. Those who might have known Jesus best failed to trust in Him and missed out on His work in their lives, while others were carried through the storm in His care. As we consider our own trials, we should rest in His hands, knowing He has power to change us and use our lives for His glory.
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Matthew 13:18-52
Matthew 13:18-52
Skip Heitzig
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Jesus often used parables to explain spiritual truth to His followers. In Matthew 13, His seven kingdom parables are recorded--word pictures which explain the beginning, opposition, expansion, and culmination of His kingdom. Let's consider His teachings and apply these lessons, so that we may be fellow workers with Him in spreading the good news.
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Matthew 12:43-13:17
Matthew 12:43-13:17
Skip Heitzig
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Jesus consistently brought His message of hope to the common man: He spoke in parables to bring revelation to His followers and to conceal heavenly truth from the hard-hearted. In this message, we examine parables of our Master Teacher and Holy Judge, and discover that truth can be a blessing, but also a curse--we must be diligent to understand and apply God's Word to our lives.
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Matthew 12:22-42
Matthew 12:22-42
Skip Heitzig
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Though our current culture embraces a form of spirituality, the biblical view of God, Satan, and good versus evil has been dismissed by most. Ignorance and indifference cause them to relegate Satan to the stuff of fairy tales and myth. In this study from Matthew 12, Jesus demonstrates His authority over the devil and his minions--giving us a glimpse into the supernatural and a reminder that, "He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world" (1 John 4:4).
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Matthew 12:1-21
Matthew 12:1-21
Skip Heitzig
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Though God intended the Sabbath to be a day of rest, keeping the Sabbath became difficult work by New Testament times. The oral traditions of the Pharisees had become weighty burdens-burdens the Lord did not mean for His people to bear. In this passage, Jesus demonstrates mercy and the true intent of the Sabbath as He and His disciples meet physical needs in the face of strong opposition.
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Matthew 11:16-30
Matthew 11:16-30
Skip Heitzig
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In order to truly worship God, you must know Him. Speaking clearly and openly in this passage, Jesus proclaims some of His strongest warnings and makes some of His most intimate promises. He reveals the Father to His followers and assures us that life lived under His rule yields peace and rest.
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Matthew 10:32-11:19
Matthew 10:32-11:19
Skip Heitzig
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In His second major discourse of Matthew, Jesus equips and instructs His apostles about going into the world and reaping the spiritual harvest. In this passage, Jesus expounds on the courage needed to complete the mission and warns His followers of certain persecution. He reminds us that while not all who hear will believe, God's wisdom is powerfully demonstrated in changed lives.
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Matthew 9:32-10:31
Matthew 9:32-10:31
Skip Heitzig
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The Lord calls His followers to proclaim His message to the world—we are appointed to carry out a divine purpose. We learn in this study that we, like the apostles, find abundant life only in letting go of our own ambitions, plans, and comfort.
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Matthew 9:10-31
Matthew 9:10-31
Skip Heitzig
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To the Pharisees, tax collectors and sinners were part of a lower, unpleasant class. But Jesus longed for fellowship with all people. He shared intimate meals with them, ministered to their needs, and reached out to the unlovely. As we study this passage in Matthew 9, we learn how we are also called to be heralds of the good news that brings spiritual health and enduring joy.
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Matthew 8:23-9:9
Matthew 8:23-9:9
Skip Heitzig
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Matthew carefully crafted his gospel to speak directly to the hearts of his Jewish audience. Through his detailed record of Jesus' genealogy, fulfilled prophecy, Jesus' actions, instructions, and miracles, Matthew proves that Jesus is Messiah. Let's take a close look at several of those miracles, and gain a firm grasp of His Deity.
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Matthew 8:1-26
Matthew 8:1-26
Skip Heitzig
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Throughout his gospel account, Matthew presents Jesus as the Messiah. Building upon the foundation of fulfilled prophecy, Jesus' identity is authenticated by miraculous signs. As we examine Matthew chapter eight, let's consider the compassion and grace Jesus demonstrates.
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Matthew 7
Matthew 7
Skip Heitzig
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Jesus calls His followers to live differently from the world -- to live a kingdom lifestyle. In this study from the Sermon on the Mount, we consider what kingdom living looks like in both our relationships with others and our relationship with God.
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Matthew 6:9-34
Matthew 6:9-34
Skip Heitzig
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Jesus taught His disciples to pray in this manner: "Your kingdom come. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven" (Matthew 6:10). As we continue our study of the Sermon on the Mount, we learn that when we make God's kingdom our focus, He provides everything we need.
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Matthew 5:33-6:8
Matthew 5:33-6:8
Skip Heitzig
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As we continue our study of the Sermon on the Mount, we'll grow in our understanding of the contrasts between the world and the kingdom of heaven. Followers of Jesus are called to a righteousness that exceeds that of the scribes and the Pharisees—a righteousness based on our genuine relationship with Christ, rather than mere outward obedience.
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Matthew 5:17-32
Matthew 5:17-32
Skip Heitzig
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The multitudes listening to Jesus teach were undoubtedly shaken by His powerful statement: "Unless your righteousness exceeds the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven" (Matthew 5:20). How, then, could one be saved? As we continue our study of the Sermon on the Mount, we remember that salvation is not available through human achievement--only by divine accomplishment.
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Matthew 5:5-16
Matthew 5:5-16
Skip Heitzig
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The economy in God's Kingdom is quite different from that of the world: it's paradoxical; it's progressive. Let's consider the Beatitudes and discover what kingdom living looks like, and how it impacts those around us.
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Matthew 4:18-5:4
Matthew 4:18-5:4
Skip Heitzig
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Leaving life as they knew it, the disciples followed Jesus and became intimate witnesses of Jesus' teaching, preaching, and healing. As we dive into this portion of Matthew, we turn our attention to their calling and listen in as Jesus begins the greatest sermon ever preached.
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Matthew 3
Matthew 3
Skip Heitzig
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Jesus called John the Baptist the greatest man among those born of women. John saw himself in the light of who Jesus is: not even worthy to loose His sandal. From the womb, he was filled with the Spirit, continually pointing people to Christ. Let's consider this powerful prophet, his ministry, and the message he preached.
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Matthew 1:18-2:23
Matthew 1:18-2:23
Skip Heitzig
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Every year people around the world recognize the birth of a poor Jewish child born in an insignificant city. The birth of Jesus Christ, as recorded in the Scriptures, beckons us to worship and obey the King of the Jews. Let's examine Matthew's account of the miraculous circumstances of the nativity and the prophecies it fulfilled.
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Matthew 1:1-18
Matthew 1:1-18
Skip Heitzig
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As we turn our attention to the New Testament, Pastor Skip explains what transpired during the 400 years of silence since the Old Testament. Our firm grasp of the political setting, language, and Matthew's purpose and perspective establishes a solid foundation for understanding his gospel. In Matthew 1, we see Jesus revealed as the royal Heir to the throne of David—the Messiah, Immanuel: God with us.
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There are 36 additional messages in this series.
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